allegro on Dev-C++ 4

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2 comments, last by PJ 23 years, 7 months ago
I can''t install the Allegro library in Dev-C++ 4. I use the latest WIP version (3.9.33). When I run the Dev-c++ make utility, it halts, telling me that it can''t find "obj/mingw32/alleg/allegro.o". Can anyone help me on this one?
Sup man
Well i have allegro on dev-c++ i donwloaded it already compiled because u cant compile it with dev-C++!! Go to nehe''s site and go to the tuts on his page and go down to find a source code on mingw32 and click on it! It should take u to another page there u should find allegro compiled i think!! But if u dont find it tell me about it and i''ll email u the compiled version or something!!
Sorry, nothing on a compiled version of allegro for Dev-c++. If you could send me the compiled version, I would really be grateful.
just send it to, or send me a URL where I can download it, please.

thanx. \^.^/

Your welcome!!!!!

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