Game Testing

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5 comments, last by happybara 19 years, 7 months ago
Would anyone mind testing my beat em' up game thus far? It takes a while to download. I would appreciate any input there is to offer. Controls PLAYER Arrows: Move player D: Punch S: Kick W: Block Space: Jump Forward x2: Dash S Dash: Knee Attack S Jump: Air Kick ENEMIES Key Pad Arrows (5 is down): Move enemies KP Plus: Punch KP 9: Kick KP 7: Block KP 0: Jump KP Forward x2: Dash KP 9 Dash: Knee Attack KP 9 Jump: Air Kick If you find something that's just plain stupid, just know that I started this about a month ago. Download here:
I would try and incorperate some AI for the enemies and maybe sound sound effects. Otherwise the game is good.
I think that dashing should stop when you let go of the key, but other than that looks like a great start to me.
Thanks for the feedback! I was going to work on AI and sound a bit later and I was going for a RCR type thing when I came up with the dash stlye. Btw I forgot to add that down and kick stomp if it hasn't been noticed already. Next I'll try to come up with something that has a point to it. Thanks!
The graphics and animation is really nice and I think the gameplay is good too. You may consider allowing the player character to move alongside the depth axis (maybe you call it the z-axis?) while jumping like when you jump with a speed to the right or left. In the same way it may make the player feel a little bit more free if one could dash alongside the z-axis by double-pressing the up- or down-arrrow key. Good luck with your game!
I would tell you its great but I can't run it >.< the resolution is to high, my monitor is maxed at 1024x768
strange thing, the game escapes to windows desktop if screens colordepth is set to 32 bit, but works well in 16bit mode...
Dolphins - The sharks of the sea.

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