[web] Simple HTML: trouble with tables

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6 comments, last by Katta 19 years, 7 months ago
I'm pretty new to this stuff so please bare with me... I have a basic web page that is centered (so the entire content is in a single table)... I simply want to align two images, my banner image (in blue) and another image (in red) like so: The images blend into each other so they have to be aligned that way, I cant figure out how to do this, would somebody please point me in the right direction?
<table><tr>	<td rowspan=2>		left image	</td>	<td>		top image	</td></tr><tr>	<td>		content	</td></tr></table>

rowspan will make the topleft frame 2 rows high so it fills down into the one below. Hope this explains it
_______________________________ ________ _____ ___ __ _`By offloading cognitive load to the computer, programmers are able to design more elegant systems' - Unununium OS regarding Python
First off, you really should be using CSS for layout purposes.
<table> <tr>  <td>red-image</td>  <td>    <tr>blue-image</tr>    <tr>page-content</tr>  </td> </tr></table>

The key here is rethinking the traditional notion of rows and colums and coming to grips with rows and cells. Apply the appropriate proportional or fixed row/cell sizing parameters to the <td> and <tr> tags.

[Edit: ProPuke's method is cleaner.]
Thank you so much guys, you're awesome!
Quote:Original post by Oluseyi
First off, you really should be using CSS for layout purposes.

Although I haven't seen anything disasterous yet, I do agree with this. This makes your code much cleaner.
<div style="width:{red-image-width};float:left;">  <img src="{red-image-source}" alt="red image"/></div><div style="margin-left:{red-image-width}">  <div><img src="{blue-image-source}" alt="blue image"/></div>  <div>    <!-- content here -->  </div></div>

Stuff in curly braces is just placeholder of course. Haven't tested this but it should work. Remember appropriate doctype.
Free Mac Mini (I know, I'm a tool)
Quote:Original post by igni ferroque
*** Source Snippet Removed ***

Stuff in curly braces is just placeholder of course. Haven't tested this but it should work. Remember appropriate doctype.

That's the good stuff. Also, make sure you validate it.
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html>	<head>		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">		<title>Funky Chicken</title>				<style type="text/css">			.contain {				width:700px;				margin-right:auto;				margin-left:auto;				}			.subContain {				border:none;				float:left;				}			.headImg {				border:none;				width:500px;				height:200px;				background-color:#000000;				background-image:url();				}			.sideImg {				border:none;				width:200px;				height:500px;				float:left;				background-color:#555555;				background-image:url();				}			.content {				border:none;				width:500px;				text-align:justify;				background-color:#CCCCCC;				background-image:url();				}		</style>		</head>		<body>			<div class="contain">			<div class="sideImg">				 			</div>			<div class="subContain">				<div class="headImg">					 				</div>				<div class="content">					 				</div>			</div>		</div>		</body></html>

Validates, looks fine in both IE6 and Firefox 0.9.3, etc etc..
[Slime] I saw a headline on the newspaper today: "Horrific Rape in Alley", or something.[Slime] I was like "Is there any other kind of rape?"[Slime] "HILARIOUS RAPE AS CLOWN SODOMIZED"

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