.MOV v4 to DirectDraw or OpenGL

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1 comment, last by Todd Casey 23 years, 7 months ago
Is there anyway to play a QuickTime .MOV version 4 file to a DirectDrawSurface or render it using OpenGL? I have an application that is currently running as a full screen DirectDraw application and one of the things it does is plays AVI files while waiting for input on the main menu using DirectShow. If I am not mistaken DirectShow only supports version 1 and 2 of QuickTime files. I now need to support version 4 MOV files. Is there any hope or should I give up? Thanks. Todd
Well, you could head on over to www.wotsit.org, check out the .MOV file spec, and then just read it in and write it to a DirectDrawSurface on your own.
I was thinking more along the lines of using the QuickTime 4 API which would save a lot of time and effort. Thanks though.


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