my first game and i have a problem

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9 comments, last by rherm23 19 years, 7 months ago
this is my first ever c++ game. it is a text based football game. its a pretty simple concept and i plan to improve on it as i get better. i have 1 problem so far from testing. my do while loop states that when down is greater than 4 it should end the game. but it allows for more than four downs. what did i do wrong?

//txt football version 1.0
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main( int argc,char *argv[])
{                                 // start main()
srand(time(0));                  // declare and init vars
int rsh_att =0;
int rsh_yds=0;
int pss_att=0;
int pss_yds=0;
int gain=0;
int down=1;
int scrimmage= 20;
int Oscrimmage= 20;
int fst_dwn_mrkr= Oscrimmage + 10;
int dst_to_goal;
int reply1;                    //replys and plys are user input
int reply2;
int ply1;
int ply2;
int offense[2];
int defense[2];
    {                          // start do while loop
    cout<<"player 1 is offense. choose a type of play "
        <<" to run."
        <<" 1. run"
        <<" 2. pass"<<endl;
    if( reply1==1)             // start if statement
    cout<<"choose a run play:"
        <<" 1. singleback "
        <<" 2. pro set"
        <<" 3. I form"
        <<" 4. shotgun"<<endl;
    switch(ply1)              // start switch case offense
    case 1:offense[0]= 8;
    case 2:offense[0]= 8;
    case 3:offense[0]= 9;
    case 4:offense[0]= 6;
    default: offense[0]= 4;
    }                          // end switch case offense
    }                          // end if statement
    else                       // begin else
    cout<<"choose a pass play:"
        <<" 5. single back"
        <<" 6. pro set"
        <<" 7. I form"
        <<" 8. shotgun"<<endl;
    switch(ply1)              //begin switch case offense
    case 5: offense[1]= 7;
    case 6: offense[1]= 7;
    case 7: offense[1]= 6;
    case 8: offense[1]= 9;
    default: offense[1]= 5;
    }                         // end switch case offense
    }                          // end else 
    cout<<"player 2 choose a type of defense to play:"
        <<" 1. run"
        <<" 2. pass"<<endl;
    if(reply2==1)               // begin if statement
    cout<<"choose a play:"
        <<" 1.4-3 run blitz"
        <<" 2.3-4 run blitz"
        <<" 3.4-4 crash"
        <<" 4.goaline crash"<<endl;
    switch(ply2)                // begin switch case defense
    case 1: defense[0]= 7;
    case 2: defense[0]= 8;
    case 3: defense[0]= 8;
    case 4: defense[0]= 9;
    default: defense[0]= 6;
    }                          // end switch case defense
    }                          // end if statement
    else                       // begin else
    cout<<"choose a play:"
        <<" 5.4-3 base"
        <<" 6 3-4 zone"
        <<" 7.nickel cover2"
        <<" 8.dime cover2"<<endl;
    switch(ply2)              // begin switch case defense
    case 5: defense[1]= 6;
    case 6: defense[1]= 7;
    case 7: defense[1]= 8;
    case 8: defense[1]= 9;
    default: defense[1]=5;
    }                            //end switch case defense
    }                            // end else
    // check to see how the plays are "run"
    if(ply1<=4 && ply2 <=4)   // run vs run
    defense[0]= defense[0]+1;
    gain= (offense[0]-defense[0])+ rand()%3;
    rsh_att= rsh_att =1;
    rsh_yds= rsh_yds + gain;
    scrimmage= scrimmage + gain;
    dst_to_goal= 100- scrimmage;
        if(dst_to_goal <=0)    // check for touchdown
        {                      // begin if
        cout<<" TOUCHDOWN!!! YOU WIN!!!"
            <<" you ran for"<<rsh_yds<<"yds on"<<rsh_att<<"carries!"
            <<" you passed for "<<pss_yds<<" yds on "<<pss_att<<""
            <<" attempts."<<endl;
        return 0;
        }                      // close if
    if(scrimmage < fst_dwn_mrkr)  // begin if statement
    cout<<"you gained "<<gain<<" yds on that run!"
        <<" it is now down number "<<down<<" and you"
        <<" need "<<fst_dwn_mrkr - scrimmage<<" yds."<<endl;
    }                              // end if statement
    else if(scrimmage >= fst_dwn_mrkr) // begin else
    Oscrimmage= scrimmage;
    cout<<"FIRST DOWN!!! nice run."<<endl;
    }                          // end else
    }                          // end if run vs run
    else if(ply1<= 4 && ply2 >=5)   // run vs pass
    {                               // begin else if
    offense[0]= offense[0] + 1;
    gain= (offense[0] - (defense[0]+4))+ rand()%7;
    rsh_att= rsh_att +1;
    rsh_yds= rsh_yds + gain;
    scrimmage= scrimmage + gain;
    dst_to_goal= 100 - scrimmage;
    if(dst_to_goal <= 0)       // check for touchdown
    {                          // begin if
    cout<<"TOUCHDOWN!!! YOU WIN!!!"
        <<" you ran for "<<rsh_yds<<" yds on "<<rsh_att<<" carries"
        <<" you passed for "<<pss_yds<<" yds on "<<pss_att<<" attempts"<<endl;
    return 0;
    }                          // end if
if(scrimmage < fst_dwn_mrkr)
{                              // begin if
cout<<"you ran for"<<gain<<"yds"
    <<" it is now down number "<<down<<" and you need "
    <<fst_dwn_mrkr - scrimmage<<" yds "<<endl;
}                                 // end if
    else if(scrimmage >= fst_dwn_mrkr)
    {                             // begin else
    Oscrimmage= scrimmage;
    cout<<"FIRST DOWN! nice run"<<endl;
    }                             // end else
}                                 // end else if
else if(ply1 >= 5 && ply2 <= 4)  //pass vs run
{                                  //begin else if
offense[1]= offense[1]+1;
gain= (offense[1] - (defense[0]+4)) + rand()%10;
pss_att= pss_att + 1;
pss_yds= pss_yds + gain;
scrimmage= scrimmage + gain;
dst_to_goal= 100 - scrimmage;
    if(dst_to_goal <= 0)      // check for a touchdown
    {                         // begin if
    cout<<"TOUCHDOWN!!! YOU WIN!!!"
        <<"you ran for "<<rsh_yds<<" yds on "<<rsh_att<<" carries "
        <<"you passed for "<<pss_yds<<" yds on "<<pss_att<<" attempts "<<endl;
    return 0;
    }                       // end if
        if(scrimmage < fst_dwn_mrkr)
        {                                 // begin if
        cout<<"you threw for a "<<gain<<" yd gain "
            <<"it is now down number "<<down<<" and you"
            <<" need"<<fst_dwn_mrkr - scrimmage<<" yds. "<<endl;
        }                           // end if
        else if(scrimmage >= fst_dwn_mrkr)
        {                               // begin else
        Oscrimmage= scrimmage;
        cout<<"FIRST DOWN!!! nice pass"<<endl;
        }                                // end else
        }                                // end else if pass vs run
        else if(ply1 >= 5 && ply2 >=5)      // pass vs pass
        {                                // begin else
        defense[1]= defense[1] + 2;
        gain= offense[1] - defense[1] + rand()%5;
        pss_att= pss_att = 1;
        pss_yds= pss_yds = gain;
        scrimmage= scrimmage + gain;
        dst_to_goal= 100- scrimmage;
                if(dst_to_goal <=0)  // check for a touchdown
                {                   // begin if
                cout<<"TOUCHDOWN!!! YOU WIN!!!"
                    <<"you ran for "<<rsh_yds<<" yds on "<<rsh_att<<" rushes"
                    <<"you passed for "<<pss_yds<<" yds on "<<pss_att<<" attempts"<<endl;
                return 0;
                }                   // end if
                if(scrimmage < fst_dwn_mrkr)
                {                           // begin if
                down+= 1;
                cout<<"you threw for a "<<gain<<" yd gain"
                    <<" it is now down number "<<down<<"and you"
                    <<" need "<<fst_dwn_mrkr - scrimmage<<" yds "<<endl;
                }                          // end if
                else if(scrimmage >= fst_dwn_mrkr)
                {                               // begin else
                Oscrimmage= scrimmage;
                cout<<"FIRST DOWN!!! nice pass"<<endl;
                }                   // end else
        }   //  end else pass vs pass
        } while(down <= 4 || dst_to_goal > 0);
        return 0;
        }            // close main
"choices always were a problem for you......" Maynard James Keenan
Making it easier for the others to see ;)

//txt football version 1.0#include <iostream>#include <cstdlib>#include <ctime>using namespace std;int main( int argc,char *argv[]){ // start main()srand(time(0)); // declare and init varsint rsh_att =0;int rsh_yds=0;int pss_att=0;int pss_yds=0;int gain=0;int down=1;int scrimmage= 20;int Oscrimmage= 20;int fst_dwn_mrkr= Oscrimmage + 10;int dst_to_goal;int reply1; //replys and plys are user inputint reply2;int ply1;int ply2;int offense[2];int defense[2];do { // start do while loopcout<<"player 1 is offense. choose a type of play "<<" to run."<<" 1. run"<<" 2. pass"<<endl;cin>>reply1;if( reply1==1) // start if statement{cout<<"choose a run play:"<<" 1. singleback "<<" 2. pro set"<<" 3. I form"<<" 4. shotgun"<<endl;cin>>ply1;switch(ply1) // start switch case offense{case 1:offense[0]= 8;break;case 2:offense[0]= 8;break;case 3:offense[0]= 9;break;case 4:offense[0]= 6;break;default: offense[0]= 4;} // end switch case offense} // end if statementelse // begin else{cout<<"choose a pass play:"<<" 5. single back"<<" 6. pro set"<<" 7. I form"<<" 8. shotgun"<<endl;cin>>ply1;switch(ply1) //begin switch case offense{case 5: offense[1]= 7;break;case 6: offense[1]= 7;break;case 7: offense[1]= 6;break;case 8: offense[1]= 9;break;default: offense[1]= 5;} // end switch case offense} // end else cout<<"player 2 choose a type of defense to play:"<<" 1. run"<<" 2. pass"<<endl;cin>>reply2;if(reply2==1) // begin if statement{cout<<"choose a play:"<<" 1.4-3 run blitz"<<" 2.3-4 run blitz"<<" 3.4-4 crash"<<" 4.goaline crash"<<endl;cin>>ply2;switch(ply2) // begin switch case defense{case 1: defense[0]= 7;break;case 2: defense[0]= 8;break;case 3: defense[0]= 8;break;case 4: defense[0]= 9;break;default: defense[0]= 6;} // end switch case defense} // end if statementelse // begin else{cout<<"choose a play:"<<" 5.4-3 base"<<" 6 3-4 zone"<<" 7.nickel cover2"<<" 8.dime cover2"<<endl;cin>>ply2;switch(ply2) // begin switch case defense{case 5: defense[1]= 6;break;case 6: defense[1]= 7;break;case 7: defense[1]= 8;break;case 8: defense[1]= 9;break;default: defense[1]=5;} //end switch case defense} // end else// check to see how the plays are "run"if(ply1<=4 && ply2 <=4) // run vs run{defense[0]= defense[0]+1;gain= (offense[0]-defense[0])+ rand()%3;rsh_att= rsh_att =1;rsh_yds= rsh_yds + gain;scrimmage= scrimmage + gain;dst_to_goal= 100- scrimmage;if(dst_to_goal <=0) // check for touchdown{ // begin ifcout<<" TOUCHDOWN!!! YOU WIN!!!"<<" you ran for"<<rsh_yds<<"yds on"<<rsh_att<<"carries!"<<" you passed for "<<pss_yds<<" yds on "<<pss_att<<""<<" attempts."<<endl;cin.ignore();return 0;} // close ifif(scrimmage < fst_dwn_mrkr) // begin if statement{down+=1;cout<<"you gained "<<gain<<" yds on that run!"<<" it is now down number "<<down<<" and you"<<" need "<<fst_dwn_mrkr - scrimmage<<" yds."<<endl;} // end if statementelse if(scrimmage >= fst_dwn_mrkr) // begin else{Oscrimmage= scrimmage;cout<<"FIRST DOWN!!! nice run."<<endl;} // end else} // end if run vs runelse if(ply1<= 4 && ply2 >=5) // run vs pass{ // begin else ifoffense[0]= offense[0] + 1;gain= (offense[0] - (defense[0]+4))+ rand()%7;rsh_att= rsh_att +1;rsh_yds= rsh_yds + gain;scrimmage= scrimmage + gain;dst_to_goal= 100 - scrimmage;if(dst_to_goal <= 0) // check for touchdown{ // begin ifcout<<"TOUCHDOWN!!! YOU WIN!!!"<<" you ran for "<<rsh_yds<<" yds on "<<rsh_att<<" carries"<<" you passed for "<<pss_yds<<" yds on "<<pss_att<<" attempts"<<endl;cin.ignore();return 0;} // end ifif(scrimmage < fst_dwn_mrkr){ // begin ifdown+=1;cout<<"you ran for"<<gain<<"yds"<<" it is now down number "<<down<<" and you need "<<fst_dwn_mrkr - scrimmage<<" yds "<<endl;} // end ifelse if(scrimmage >= fst_dwn_mrkr){ // begin elseOscrimmage= scrimmage;cout<<"FIRST DOWN! nice run"<<endl;} // end else} // end else ifelse if(ply1 >= 5 && ply2 <= 4) //pass vs run{ //begin else ifoffense[1]= offense[1]+1;gain= (offense[1] - (defense[0]+4)) + rand()%10;pss_att= pss_att + 1;pss_yds= pss_yds + gain;scrimmage= scrimmage + gain;dst_to_goal= 100 - scrimmage;if(dst_to_goal <= 0) // check for a touchdown{ // begin ifcout<<"TOUCHDOWN!!! YOU WIN!!!"<<"you ran for "<<rsh_yds<<" yds on "<<rsh_att<<" carries "<<"you passed for "<<pss_yds<<" yds on "<<pss_att<<" attempts "<<endl;cin.ignore();return 0;} // end ifif(scrimmage < fst_dwn_mrkr){ // begin ifdown+=1;cout<<"you threw for a "<<gain<<" yd gain "<<"it is now down number "<<down<<" and you"<<" need"<<fst_dwn_mrkr - scrimmage<<" yds. "<<endl;} // end ifelse if(scrimmage >= fst_dwn_mrkr){ // begin elseOscrimmage= scrimmage;cout<<"FIRST DOWN!!! nice pass"<<endl;} // end else} // end else if pass vs runelse if(ply1 >= 5 && ply2 >=5) // pass vs pass{ // begin elsedefense[1]= defense[1] + 2;gain= offense[1] - defense[1] + rand()%5;pss_att= pss_att = 1;pss_yds= pss_yds = gain;scrimmage= scrimmage + gain;dst_to_goal= 100- scrimmage;if(dst_to_goal <=0) // check for a touchdown{ // begin ifcout<<"TOUCHDOWN!!! YOU WIN!!!"<<"you ran for "<<rsh_yds<<" yds on "<<rsh_att<<" rushes"<<"you passed for "<<pss_yds<<" yds on "<<pss_att<<" attempts"<<endl;cin.ignore();return 0;} // end ifif(scrimmage < fst_dwn_mrkr){ // begin ifdown+= 1;cout<<"you threw for a "<<gain<<" yd gain"<<" it is now down number "<<down<<"and you"<<" need "<<fst_dwn_mrkr - scrimmage<<" yds "<<endl;} // end ifelse if(scrimmage >= fst_dwn_mrkr){ // begin elseOscrimmage= scrimmage;cout<<"FIRST DOWN!!! nice pass"<<endl;} // end else} // end else pass vs pass} while(down <= 4 || dst_to_goal > 0);return 0;} // close main
to post code please either use the tags or use the source tags ([ source lang="cpp" ][ /source ]). Remove spaces from the start and end of brackets.

Is down starting from 0 or 1, if it is 0 based then it should only go up to 3 (not 4).

It could be this while(down <= 4 || dst_to_goal > 0);
switch || with &&, cuz if one is true, the loop will continue
The end conition for your while loop should be:
while(down <= 4 && dst_to_goal > 0);
thanx guys ill try that and sorry for the long post first time posting code sorry
"choices always were a problem for you......" Maynard James Keenan
thanks guys it worked now i just have to make a better play calling system cause i have played like 4 times and only gotten 1 first down.
"choices always were a problem for you......" Maynard James Keenan
Quote:Original post by rherm23
thanks guys it worked now i just have to make a better play calling system cause i have played like 4 times and only gotten 1 first down.

did you figure out the problem? =)

btw, texans rule =P (well, no they don't, but whatever :(
yeah i got the game to play a little better just have to make the overall gameplay a bit more enticing but hey other than "hello world" this is my first program. i rated you guys up for the rapid and responses.

oh and by the way im from san diego and a charger fan so i cant say much on the football subject we suck. hehe
"choices always were a problem for you......" Maynard James Keenan
I think it's the while (down <= 4 || dst_to_goal > 0;)

Either one has to be true, and if you're still playing, the distance to the goal is always greater than 0. In your code, you're saying, "while either is true". Even if down is false, dst_to_goal can still be true, keeping the loop in action. An example of an infinite loop if you're not careful.

One thing you can do to see trouble spots is to use the debugger to see what the values are at the time that line of code is passed. You can also simplify your code to see what's breaking.

If you want the game to end when the player gets a touchdown, use &&. That way, both > 4th down and ball is in play have to be true. If one is falls, the loop ends.

EDIT: (wow, quick posters...)

EDIT2: Good luck in programming! I've always done better making text-based games myself... never quite got the hang of graphics (atleast scrolling them like in an RPG).

Also, here's a tip: Try to use more functions. That way, you don't have 1 function with a ton of code in it, and other pieces of code can use those functions.

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