In need of a good way to export to ASE from 3dsmax

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2 comments, last by Solarbeam 23 years, 8 months ago
Anyone know of a way to export ASE files from 3d studio max 3.1? Any resource, plugins or whatever, is appreciated.
------------------------------*Large explosion consumes building, hero walks away unharmed* (wtf? why?) CUT
I think Max3 is similiar to Max2 - which you select your object, click on the Export command (file menu) and select ASE format from the drop down list in the standard windows dialog....


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Jack Hoxley <small>[</small><small> Forum FAQ | Revised FAQ | MVP Profile | Developer Journal ]</small>

Uh uh; 3dsmax 3.1 doesnt have a way to export to ASE...

*Large explosion consumes building, hero walks away unharmed* (wtf? why?) CUT
------------------------------*Large explosion consumes building, hero walks away unharmed* (wtf? why?) CUT
Hmmm, ok, maybe it does...I''ll check...

*Large explosion consumes building, hero walks away unharmed* (wtf? why?) CUT
------------------------------*Large explosion consumes building, hero walks away unharmed* (wtf? why?) CUT

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