I wanna learn but literaly don't know anything bout game designing[edited]

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10 comments, last by smiley4 19 years, 6 months ago
Wow! alot of posts, you guys must really be great. Anyways: It sounds like i was looking for how to do programing. I want to be able to implement my ideas (like someone said). But i want to do a game sort of like this one www.kingsofchaos.com/recruit.php?uniqid=83jus5be (Join as my officer if your not already a member, it's great! one of the biggest online browser games)It's basically hitting links and gaining points, but i want to do a one really similar to it. email alexsoad13@yahoo.com [Edited by - musicbox on November 4, 2004 5:29:26 PM]
Yes, we are the best! We rule! [grin]

Do you need information on programming, or rather how to write the technical documents?
You can always have a look in the general game design section
i would recommend (even though some people recommend against it) to learn c++. it is THE language for programming games used for almost all professionally developed games. it may be difficult to learn, but i think learning it first would be a good thing. many people say to learn vb first, but i think it can teach some badish habits. to learn c++, go to web site tutorials. i find them to be one of the best resources for free. books are good, if you want to spend the money. a couple good tutorials are http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/index.html

then after you learn c++, learn opengl from nehe.gamedev.net
there are many ways to get started. if you're interested in the programming aspect, you can visit the beginner faq, which answers many basic questions. gametutorials.com has many great tutorials on c++, and a simple google search will turn up many more.

also, if you have an idea you'd like to share, you can post it in the game design section. make sure you read the faq and the guide to posting your idea (so you don't get flamed).
good luck.
- stormrunner
I hear good things about this book for getting started learning C++, but I haven't read it myself.

For game design, GDNet users give this book nice reviews, but again it's another I haven't read.

If you are looking to learn some of the more advanced maths, check out MathWorld, it's a very, very helpful website, and if you're looking to get into the game fast (after you have decent knowledge of C/++), you should check out SDL if you want to get started in games...it's very simple, you know?

Also, I'm hearing very, very good things about Python (sorry, no links on that one), and I'm even considering looking into it myself (after I complete a certain arcade game clone for school).

Don't know what else to tell you...just make sure to go S-L-O-W, because nothing is as easy as it looks. Ever. Many people will recommend that you start with Pong, for instance...make sure that you CAN before you move onto better things.

Above all, write clean code, because time you spend now won't come back to bite you in the butt -- and make sure to comment everything minutely complex. Even an in-depth description of what this function, this variable, or this method does and how you think it will work will help you in the long run, especially if you end up with bugs and no clues on where to start looking.

ALSO: If you do go with C++, use OOP. Enough people don't that it just makes baby Jesus cry.

...See? I can post gewd every once in a while.
Things change.
musicbox, by the sound of it you are hoping to grab a book for a weekend browse and expect to be applying for a job at THQ the following week. Let me assure you, if you do not know any C based languages, it is not easy at all.
On the other hand, I am a n00b myself and have been studying for two or three weeks now.

Boku San, I have that book (I had to buy it, cos my name is Michael Dawson, just like the author :D:D:D:D). Its very good and introduces you to the very basic findamentals of C++ and instead of giving examples of how to impliment the code in useless (practically) little applications, it shows you how to write very basic (practically, almost useless) games :) I had also bought "C++ Primer" which gamedev.net recommends as a starter book, but it was a bit advanced for me, and the "C++ for dummies" was a little bit of childs-play, but "Beginning C++ Game Programming" was just right :)
__________Michael Dawson"IRC is just multiplayer notepad." - Reverend
do you want to know something about design or about coding?
if its about coding then you only have to get a compiler, read some tutorials and (tons of) patience. don't aim too high in the beginning. start with console apps (c++ would be nice). don't feel bad because you only made a tictactoe text mode game. everyone does but it can be a very nice practice. it includes screen output, keyboard input and maybe simple ai.
just read through the beginners section. later you can learn directx or opengl and maybe use your old tictactoe (or whatever easy game you finished first) and make a graphical version of it. this will be the most satisfying part of programming because from this moment on your games will look nice (depending on your photoshop/gimp/mspaint skills).
someone posted this site in an ebook thread. they have tons of stuff:
if you start with tiny programs you'll soon find out how to design bigger games because you'll learn from what you did wrong and next time you'll do better.
happy coding

Now get down on your hands and knees and start repeating "Open Source Good, M$ Evil", smacking your head against the pavement after each repetition. Once you have completed your training you may change your first name to GNU/, to show that you are free from the slavery of the closed source world. -Michalson
Not sure why people are telling you to learn programming. But, anyway, designing a game basically is making your own game. If you are to make your own game (putting programming and art aside), how would you like to play your game? That's pretty much what it is.

However when it comes to actually making it, you need programmers/artists/musicians/producers. Before you can recruit them, you need to convince them to work on your design, and thus you need design documents. Design documents are your ideas put on paper.
that was why i was asking if he wants to learn design or coding... i was a bit confused by the others who wrote about coding. forget my last post then and go to the game design section like wanmaster suggested :)
Now get down on your hands and knees and start repeating "Open Source Good, M$ Evil", smacking your head against the pavement after each repetition. Once you have completed your training you may change your first name to GNU/, to show that you are free from the slavery of the closed source world. -Michalson
Quote:Original post by zoerb
a couple good tutorials are http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/index.html

then after you learn c++, learn opengl from nehe.gamedev.net

yeah www.cplusplus.com is the best site about c++ and opengl is very easy to learn after you get the hang of c/c++. and also devc++ is a pretty good complier even though it's free you can find it by googling "devc++".
Bring more Pain

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