Porting DirectDraw to SDL

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5 comments, last by Jiroh 19 years, 5 months ago
Hello, all. A few years ago I wrote a game using this tutorial http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article608.asp Of course, it's been a few years and now Mac OS X is my favourite platform, not Windows. I would like to port my code to SDL, so that I could port it to Mac OS X. Has anybody attempted this? Is there a tutorial anywhere on converting DirectDraw code to SDL? Thank you for any pointers.
Here's a quick and dirty tutorial I whipped up based on the snippets of code I saw as I browsed through.

Initing: Call SDL_Init. That's all.
Create primary surface: Call SDL_SetVideoMode. That's all.
Loading a bitmap: IMG_Load if using the SDL_img library (recommended)
Palettes: I've never used palettes since the 486 days... dunno
Color keying: SDL_SetColorKey on a surface.
Blitting: SDL_BlitSurface
Page flipping: SDL_UpdateRect
Cleaning up: SDL_Quit

That's should serve as a useful starting point for browsing the SDL docs.
Hi! Thanks bunches for that reply, it really is very helpful!

If i paste some of my code here, would you mind telling me what the equivalent SDL functions are? I would greatly appreciate it.


Quote:Original post by C-Junkie
Page flipping: SDL_UpdateRect

Use SDL_Flip(). If the surface isn't double buffered it will call SDL_UpdateRect().
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Here is a section of my code if you want to help...It was written almost 5 years ago so yes it looks like junk...
I would really like to find a way to do it in SDL... :(

IDirectDrawSurface7 * CSprite::_pMakeSpriteSurface(){ IDirectDrawSurface7 * pdds4; HDC hDC; WORD * wp;	m_bOnCriticalSection = TRUE;	if( m_stBrush == NULL ) return NULL;	CMyDib mydib(m_cPakFileName, m_dwBitmapFileStartLoc);	m_wBitmapSizeX = mydib.m_wWidthX;	m_wBitmapSizeY = mydib.m_wWidthY;	pdds4 = m_pDDraw->pCreateOffScreenSurface(m_wBitmapSizeX, m_wBitmapSizeY);    if (pdds4 == NULL) return NULL; 	pdds4->GetDC(&hDC);	mydib.PaintImage(hDC);	pdds4->ReleaseDC(hDC);		DDSURFACEDESC2  ddsd;	ddsd.dwSize = 124;	if (pdds4->Lock(NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL) != DD_OK) return NULL;	pdds4->Unlock(NULL);	wp = (WORD *)ddsd.lpSurface;	m_wColorKey = *wp;	m_bOnCriticalSection = FALSE;    return pdds4;}void CSprite::PutSpriteFast(int sX, int sY, int sFrame, DWORD dwTime, int iInPvX, int iInPvY){	short dX,dY,sx,sy,szx,szy,pvx,pvy; RECT rcRect;	if( this == NULL ) return;	if( m_stBrush == NULL ) return;		if ((m_iTotalFrame-1 < sFrame) || (sFrame < 0)) return;		m_bOnCriticalSection = TRUE;	sx  = m_stBrush[sFrame].sx;	sy  = m_stBrush[sFrame].sy;	szx = m_stBrush[sFrame].szx;	szy = m_stBrush[sFrame].szy;	pvx = m_stBrush[sFrame].pvx + iInPvX;	pvy = m_stBrush[sFrame].pvy + iInPvY;	  	dX = sX + pvx;	//	if(bIsGate) //		dY = sY + pvy -32;//	else		dY = sY + pvy;	if (dX < m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.left)	{		sx = sx	+ (m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.left - dX);									szx = szx - (m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.left - dX);		if (szx <= 0) {			m_rcBound.top = -1;			return;		}		dX = (short)m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.left;	}	else if (dX+szx > m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.right)	{		szx = szx - ((dX+szx) - (short)m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.right);		if (szx <= 0) {			m_rcBound.top = -1;			return;		}	}	if (dY < m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.top)	{		sy = sy	+ (m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.top - dY);		szy = szy - (m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.top - dY);		if (szy <= 0) {			m_rcBound.top = -1;			return;		}		dY = (short)m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.top;	}	else if (dY+szy > m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.bottom)	{		szy = szy - ((dY+szy) - (short)m_pDDraw->m_rcClipArea.bottom);		if (szy <= 0) {			m_rcBound.top = -1;			return;		}	}			m_dwRefTime = dwTime;		if (m_bIsSurfaceEmpty == TRUE)	{		if( _iOpenSprite() == FALSE ) return;	}	else {				if (m_bAlphaEffect && (m_cAlphaDegree != G_cSpriteAlphaDegree)) {			if (G_cSpriteAlphaDegree == 2) {								_SetAlphaDegree();			}			else {				_iCloseSprite();				if( _iOpenSprite() == FALSE ) return;			}		}	}	rcRect.left = sx;	rcRect.top  = sy;	rcRect.right  = sx + szx;	rcRect.bottom = sy + szy;	m_rcBound.left = dX;	m_rcBound.top  = dY;	m_rcBound.right  = dX + szx;	m_rcBound.bottom = dY + szy;	m_pDDraw->m_lpBackB4->BltFast( dX, dY, m_lpSurface, &rcRect, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY | DDBLTFAST_WAIT );	m_bOnCriticalSection = FALSE;}
Quote:Original post by Jiroh
Here is a section of my code if you want to help...It was written almost 5 years ago so yes it looks like junk...
I would really like to find a way to do it in SDL... :(

Here's Some new code for Making a Surface in SDL
(replaces IDirectDrawSurface7 * CSprite::_pMakeSpriteSurface() )
// Load in an image and convert it to the display format// for faster blitting.SDL_Surface * Image_Load(char *file){  SDL_Surface *temp1, *temp2;  temp1 = IMG_Load(file);  temp2 = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp1);  SDL_FreeSurface(temp1);  return temp2;}

(This next function replaces PutSpriteFast() )
// Blit an image on the screen surfacevoid Draw_IMG(SDL_Surface *img, int x, int y){  SDL_Rect dest;  dest.x = x;  dest.y = y;  dest.h = img->h;  dest.w = img->w;  SDL_BlitSurface(img,//the image to blit              NULL, //portion to blit - NULL blits entire imeage              screen, //surface create from SDL_SetVideoMode              &dest);// where the image will end up on screen}

Its a lot less code with SDL than DD7.
Did I understand your code correctly, one loads an image and the other draws it, right?
Hi Wyrzy, thanks for the tip! I'll study it tonight! You understood my code correctly. indeed. ^-^

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