Hello guys! Im new, need some advices

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6 comments, last by cplus programmer 19 years, 6 months ago
Well, the thing goes like this: Im new to programming and stuff, and my dream has always been to develope a MMORPG. About my actual knowdlege, i looked a bit over C and visual basic, and cant decide wich one i should learn... Any advice will be helpful :) and thanks!! >Cyaz<
Visual basic is a good start for beginners. But you should try to learn and understand C first, if you can't you can just fall back to visual basic and learn from there.
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Hi there,

I agree with baddogj. However, learning the language is but a first step to games programming. Programming a MMORPG is not impossible but the road that leads there is a long long one.

You'll find that probably, a MMORPG is too large of a game to be done alone and the scope of it will probably push you over the edge.

Try to work on small games first, learning things and tricks in the process. Then try bigger titles and so on... When you've gained enough experience, you'll be ready.
You'll never see heaven if you haven't been through hell.
For my games I prefer C++ rather then C.
Start with a few basic books about C++ (or C if you prefer)
Create some simple text applications (maybe a Q/A game),
start on tile games. After that it's time to get your self familiar with a 3D API (OpenGL or Direct3D). With that you might want to start on some simple 3D game and so we can go on and on and on ;)

You could after getting familiar with the above stuff join a open source team which is already developing a game. This is a perfect way to get some experience (I think we all started that way).

Anywho, good luck with all that


Auris Terre a free and open source MMORPG. http://auristerre.sf.net- Your world is our world! -
Go for C/C++. It's much more powerful than visual basic. It might seem more complex than Visual Basic in the beggining but as soon as you get the hang of it you will have no problems.

There are a lot of good books and resources out there which will make your C/C++ journey much easier.

Good Luck.
okay, ty all of u for the suggestions =)
C/C++ was always my first choise to learn but i first needed to see the opinions about visual basic..
Anyways im starting off now with C :), and i will be around on the forum!
I recommend you learn C++, you can't do OOP(You learn about that later though, just take my word for it: it's handy) in C(at least not easily). And learning C first doesn't, IMO, make it easier to learn C++, if you learn C first, you'll have to break your habit of writing procedural code, and learn to use OOP.
I couldnt live without classes.
there are 10 types of people in this world, those who can do bianary and those who cant.

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