Improving triangular-poligonal mesh

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-1 comments, last by joseMalo 19 years, 5 months ago
Hi all, I have some characters under VRML format, I import then into my OpenGL applicantion and then I make them to move using ODE. I would like to improve (at the low level) the quality of the triangular/pligonal mesh which define these characters. Do you know where I can find some SHORT code (C/C++)with implemented methods for improving mesh quality, for example delaunay/voronoi based ? Quality measures are for example: a minimum angle inside poligons,.. control de number of poligons,.. avoid poligons of very small size,.. etc. I know that this can be done with comercial software but I Realy would like to implement it at the low level. Thanks a lots!!! /JoseMalo

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