Shadow Volumes. Understanding

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1 comment, last by ff8 19 years, 5 months ago
Hello! I am trying to implement z-fail shadow volumes. I am trying to draw the shadow volumes af some triangles. But I dont understand some things at the time we draw the shadow volume. I have some source code for rendering shadow volumes for quads. But I have not understand 100% what this code do and then make a similar code for drawing shadow volumes for triangles. here is some source that i have found (but it is for rendering shadow volume for quads): can someone Help me to understand what this source do? thanks in advnace.
There is tutorial on Shadow Volume rendering on This article is written by Eric Lengyel who has perfected the technique. If you have his book "Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics", you can find a detail explanation along with code on how to implement it. I highly recommend you refer to the book or the article.

Hope this helps!
if you don't mind can you post the whole code ?? please ..because i can not get the concept from this part

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