Quit smoking: any tips?

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53 comments, last by Endemoniada 13 years, 3 months ago

I've never smoked but me and a friend were talking about how a lot of people have a certain type of alcohol that they hate because they drank too much of it one time and got really sick off of it. My friend heard that you can do the same thing with cigarettes.
That would be the equivalent of drinking a dozen bottles of liquor, though.

There's usually upwards of 12mg of nicotin in a cigarette of which usually less than 1mg makes it into the smoke, and 1/3 to 2/3 (depending on the additives) will make it into your blood. On the other hand, eating the tobacco will give you a bioavailabilty of close to 100%, which is a real bummer.
Can anyone comment on how smoking hookah would help/hurt. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I have smoked via hookah before. It seems like at the least it might be a cleaner way to smoke if you were really jonesing for some nicotine.

I don't smoke cigarettes, so I'm not sure if that would do much for the craving though. It might cause you to relapse or just skip the hookah and smoke as most places that offer them allow you to smoke and usually sell cigarettes on the premises. Anybody who smokes tried it as an alternative?
Well, in the end it has to be something you really want to do. I don't mean that, "yeah, I want to quit," type of really. I mean the I WANT to REALLY quit this retarded habit that is costing me my health and is a burden on my finances and family.

Until you accept that you stand no chance. No horror story is going to make you want to stop, unless of course you realize your second hand smoke is causing your child health problems. That might make it worth the effort.

When you're ready, just stop. And I mean stop.

Don't visit a friends house that smoke, make them come over. If they want to smoke send them out to their car. Don't visit a bar, club or restaurant that allows smoking. Get yourself away from it all. When the urge hits, continue doing sit-ups or pushups. Go drink a cup of coffee or tea instead. Do something. You've been "Active" for several years. You need to replace that activity with something positive.

And, finally, keep a level head. You really wanted to do it this time, right?

Here's how it's done:

Thinking to yourself, smoking might cause you all sorts of problems won't work, that's too general.
Next time you pick a cigarette on your hand, you should think to your self: "THIS cigarette is harmful" and put it down.
Repeat for every cigarette that happens to land on your hand.

I think you should give it a try, it's worth it.

Oh, and if you ever desire to have "just one", well don't, this is a certain way to start all over again without realizing it.
Good luck
Try an electronic cigarette. Has none of the chemicals associated with tobacco, but does have nicotine in them, and produces "smoke" which you inhale/exhale.

It's works by vapourising liquid containing nicotine, a flavouring, and a liquid to produce the vapour.

If your trying to get off nicotine, may not help to much (although you can get nicotine-free juices), but I find it is the best replacement for smoking - use your hand like a real cig, real vapour, and nicotine, without the risk of developing lung cancer. Sure, there may be risks associated wth nicotine, but it's alot better than the 4000+ chemicals added to real cigarettes.

I quit after 15 years of smoking a pack a day by initially using nicotine lozenges, but the biggest factor was listening to a 'hypnosis' audio cd (which admittedly I downloaded at no cost). I was skeptical, since I did not believe it would work on ME. But I was willing to try ANYTHING, I wanted to give up that badly (and I think this is actually an important factor - you have to WANT to quit).
The play time of the cd was 2 x 1 hour sessions, with the first half teaching some breathing exercises that help eliminate cravings, and the second half, well, it was just weird, with lots of overlaid tracks platying at once.. basically I remember the first five minutes of that, and the last five minutes, but the rest of it is a total blank -
whatever, it worked! Something deep inside my brain clicked, I still got cravings but I had the tools to fight back.
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I smoked for 20 years, I enjoyed it so much that I made my own cigarettes (which were far superior to anything avaliable in stores.)

I quit cold turkey and never looked back. It's not as hard as you think, just stop and don't start again.

Do some research about what you'll experience when quiting cold turkey so when certain things happen you'll understand why they're happening.

Before you know it the days go by, then the weeks, then the months.

Good luck.

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