Best DirectX wrappers for 2d platform game?

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0 comments, last by runevision 19 years, 4 months ago
I'm having a hard time getting an overview of what would be the best approach for me to create a 2d platform game with Delphi. I want to use DirectX, but as seems to be an ever returning subject in this forum, there are several different wrappers. For example: - Asphyre/PowerDraw ( - XCESS GDK ( - Omega (URL?) - Gamevision (URL?) - Others? Which is the best choice? What I want is not so much cutting edge features, but rather a solution that has proven its worth and has been used by many and in many finished projects. Tutorials using the engine is a definite plus too. (There is also DelphiX, but it doesn't work very well with the alpha channel and with rotation of sprites I've heard, and that sort of rules it out for me, which is why I didn't include it in the list above.) I've tried to find information on my own, but a lot of the information I found is outdated. I found this thread which should give an overview over the different wrappers: ...but the link in the thread is broken now, so I couldn't see the nice chart...! :( Also, the FAQ for this forum is non-existant... So please bear over with me for coming here and requesting information about the different wrappers all over again... I have downloaded XCESS GDK and all the demos work for me now. However, I miss a more complete example than the simple demos provided. I have also downloaded Asphyre and it has the very nice Hasteroids example game, but when I try to compile it I get errors. I also get errors with some of the provided demos: AsciiDemo: [Fatal Error] Windowed4Base.pas(56): File not found: '' VScreenDemo: [Error] MainFm.pas(164): There is no overloaded version of 'AlignedOut' that can be called with these arguments Hasteroids: [Fatal Error] MainFm.pas(42): File not found: 'dynamic_bass.dcu' Oh and one more thing - are there other relevant fora which I should know of? Anyway, all info is appreciated. Thanks in advance, Rune
Oh, I just found that table:

I'm feeling silly now that I didn't see it before... But the table is very nice and have all the information I wanted! :)

I'll have a look at Project Omega now...
( )


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