List of free libraries

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195 comments, last by dcco 12 years, 11 months ago
FreeType Project

Is a very good FontLibrary. They have two licences FreeType License and GPL.
What about wxWidgets? Very useful for normal windows GUI. Also, some handy general purpose classes for archive reading and writing etc.
I would add Qt to this list. It's a great cross-platform GUI library, with a ton of other useful stuff if you choose to use it (networking, XML, container classes etc.). There is both a free and commercial license.
SPARK Particle Engine : A free, opensource and multiplatform particle engine 2D/3D written in C++. (LGPL licence)
Sorry there's been no updates for a while - I'll be onto that soon. Thanks for the continued contributions.
Eigen - a "C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms".


Jolt3D! is a very easy to use 3D game engine (C/C++). I feel it's a great engine but it needs more users (it hasn't gotten enough publicity).

Heres a site with reviews:

Open-source framework for 2D games with simplicity in mind - aimed at beginners!

It doesn't try to provide support for hundreds of file formats or wrap high level functionality for you, instead it gives you a very easy API for the most common functionality (video, audio, input, even networking).

Currently work in progress, but stable enough to use in small games.
Elf2d only works on Windows. Be sure to note that in the chart.
Grualia 3D Engine. Free library high level DirectX for .NET

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