Need updated book suggestion

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3 comments, last by Haytil 19 years, 4 months ago
I have 2 Win32 projects at the moment both using VC++6.0, one using DirectX7 and the other DirectX9. My problem is this.. I really like using the Dirext9 stuff from what I've already seen. The problem is the book I'm learning from leaves off at sprites and goes right into full on 3D. For the purpose of my project, it is to be a 2d side-scroller RPG. The other book I'm working from is Andre LaMothe's "Windows Game Programming for Dummeies, 2nd Ed." In the book it comes with 8.1 SDK but from the code it looks like directdraw functions being called and just from the messy setup, I already like DX9 more. Just don't have any information that covers the subject enough. Are there any tutorials/books out there on the subject of using DirectX9 functions for the purpose of a 2d side-scroller or any type of game?? -LJR
Mmm... Orthographic projections. Fun.

This site has some random stuff to download, one of which is an example of ortho panning which _should_ be usable as a template to make a skeleton side scroller. I haven't looked at it yet, just posting random links. [grin]

Good luck!
Here is a listing of some great DX9 tutorials. Once you get going with some basic stuff, I recommend that you try using the ID3DXSprite interface. It allows you to render 2D quads very easily, with a pretty high level of performance.
Dustin Franklin ( circlesoft :: KBase :: Mystic GD :: ApolloNL )
Ah more good suggestions.. :)

The other night while looking through my collection of unread tech books.. I decided to take a crack at "Programming Role Playing Games w/DirectX 2nd Ed." which I had originally decided to hold off on reading until I had completed a Win32/GDI game. It has been sitting there for 2 months now and I finally realized that this is a GREAT book and it even covers intro setup information for DX9! So far just getting into Chapter 2 and I think this may be the answer to my original question. However, if you know of more good resources.. post them here. I'm sure others are working on their own 2d side-scrollers as well.

I learned from Lamothe's book too. I found it was really easy to adapt the ID3DXSprite functions to Lamothe's DX7 sprite code.

Use one ID3DXSprite interface, along with the CreateTextureFromFile command, to set up your sprites.

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