Feedback on Galactic Wars 2 Alpha

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22 comments, last by nts 19 years, 4 months ago
Yeah that is what I got when I tried to run it on my brother's computer. Do any of you know what could be causing these problems as they are really odd and I have no idea what could be causing them? It works fine on both of my computers...

I should have also mentioned that within the data folder in config.cfg the coop_level variable should be changed to a compatible resolution with your monitor. I was programming on my laptop when I zipped all the files and didn't remember to change it to a non-widescreen format.
I have an idea - are you hard coding in where the images are? I noticed that in none of your .cfg files do you tell where they are, so they must be hard coded into the game - in which on diff comps they won't be in the right place. Will you check that for me.
Getting the same File not found. You have also posted the debug release of the code (Generally this will fail when someone does not have the SDK installed).

Can you post the complete project as a zip for us to look at, or produce a compiled release version.

Also the error of file not found might be to do with the way you are handling the paths inside the application. I would put all needed paths into an Application configuration file and pull them from there are startup. This way it would allow others to decide on the paths where the system is installed.
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Very odd...I attempted moving the project around the computer's directory and no change for me. I can't get it not to run. The files that are hardcoded are with Application.StartUpPath + path with path being as needed. It is never dependent on files being placed in specific spots other than relative to the exe. Anyways here is the whole project:

Whole Project

Thanks for taking a bigger look at this.
Line 77 of iDraw.cs:
     myDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(frm, CooperativeLevelFlags.FullscreenExclusive);

When I hoover over it in C#, it says that it is using a depreciated function as well as most of the other functions. Is this the same on yours or is it just mine?

I think the error lies somewhere in your level loading code. I was tracing through and it always hung when you were loading a level. I couldn't do much b/c I can't get it to be a standard window w/o fullscreen so I cant get access to my debugger - but when I ctr-alt-del, the breakpoint is never hit (The title changes when a break point is hit)- so I think the problem is in there somewhere.
Oh ha. Retarded me. I have been programming in 9.0b. Gosh darn could this be a lead?
Quote:Original post by Krisc
Oh ha. Retarded me. I have been programming in 9.0b. Gosh darn could this be a lead?

For those of us in 9c, probabally [smile]. now how do I go about fixing this...I guess downloading 9.0c and start debugging?
Quote:Original post by Krisc now how do I go about fixing this...I guess downloading 9.0c and start debugging?

I think that would be the best thing to do - but only if you are using Visual Studio 7 or greater. 9.0c will not work in 6 - but since you are doing C# I'd imagine you are using 7.
Alright, I am downloading all the new stuff now. Thanks for your help guys. I'll be sure to rate y'all. ;)

p.s. I downloaded 9.0c ...and it still works. Grrr what is going on!?

[Edited by - Krisc on January 3, 2005 12:04:19 AM]

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