[web] How should I attract people to my site?

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21 comments, last by jakpandora 19 years, 3 months ago
I have had my website for almost a year now, but i fail to attract more then a few people a month. I was wondering if some of you could take a look at my site and see if theres anything i could improve: Quest Entertainment right now i have a few flash and Java games from other sites, but i am in the proscess of writing my own. I also have it listed on google. if anybody could tell me anything on my site i could improve and how to attract more visitors I would appreciate it.
______________________________My website: Quest Networks
First try to get lots of dynamic content. just things that change. also try to get content on it.

Yo ucould also try advertising. Thats the thing with forums, the more popular it is, the more people go onto it.

Nice coder
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i got an space rpg webbased game under development, and is currently looking for game enthusiast to join the team.
check it out at mnqstudio.thecirculation.com, enjoy!
make some of your own content... IMHO, only content matters. Then people will link to you :-)

And, sig:
Lose the ads, don't nick other peoples' games, just make your own and put them on.

Real content is what matters.

If you can, tell school kids about your site. Kids would rather play online games than do work.

Word will travel faster than you can imagine.
Make it brighter.
Put a link to it in ur sig, i have and i get lots ao hits per month. Specially for some of the vids and pics i have on there.

I think it looks nice! But yes, more content!
8! bits.. wow..
Hand out free pr0n.

But seriously, check out the developer section of Dexterity, a shareware games publisher who is also a very active member of the shareware community. He has some great articles about improving your sales. They also mention methods of improving traffic to your site.

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