getting in 3D

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3 comments, last by PaulCesar 19 years, 4 months ago
I'm playing with a demo of 3DS Max 7 and I'm interested the whole 3d animation stuff. I've read some magazines and some of the things i understand, and some things are bewilldering. so where's a good place for an amature to start with 3d graphics?
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact:
max or maya are a good point to start with, theres tons of tutorials, forums and literature around to help you progress, they are also industry standard within the game dev world.
best of luck
personally, i like lightwave...
I've always liked 3D Studio Max as a model builder, but for animation and rendering I import my models into maya or lightwave, depending on the feel I'm looking to achieve (for fully rendered motion picture footage)

But for Game content, I like 3D Studio for modelling and animating. It's the most easily customizable program for this, and you get much more than your money's worth, especially if you're just starting out . . . its noob friendly due to its simple, and yet amply sufficient user interface.
I guess im the opposite, I can model 100X quicker in maya then I can in MAX, then its a matter of importing into max or something else for animation.

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