Network protocols

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1 comment, last by Michalson 19 years, 4 months ago
I have this MMORPG I have been playing for some time now, ConquerOnline, a very simple and free game. Now that I'm getting a bit tired of jumping and shooting I'd like to learn more about its network protocol. Done a couple of "sniffs" and the initial packet (client -> server) is always the same and then server sends one to client with 8 bytes, where 4 of them change every time. All packets from then on are completely different, which leads me to believe it's some kind of encryption. I'd like to know if someone could point me some forums or groups reverse-engineering game protocols or tip me on how should I proceed.. I have no idea on what kind of encryption are most commonly used (I don't believe a free MMORPG has worked very hard on making their own: either simple or known) and what should I do to crack it. THank you very much
First of all is this legal? And why would you want to know their network protocol? First thing that came to my mind were some sort of cheats.. I doubt you will get too many replies.

But try googling anyway..
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All your threads have been related to various attempts at cheating.

This is not some board for 12 year old counterstrike players to swap cheats. This is a game development board. You are banned.

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