VS openGL game programming

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1 comment, last by DMINATOR 19 years, 4 months ago
I've been doing c++ for a while now and i want to move on to openGL graphics programming. The thing is i have to have some grasp of the WIN32 API before i do so. Now i have two options,... I could go straight into my openGL game programing (Hawkins/Astle) as it provides some basic win32 stuff before it goes on to the actual openGL graphics chapters. My other option would be to go through the site first before moving on to read the book. I dont plan to make windows applications so i dont think i should stay very long on it though i recognise the need to understand it. Could anyone who's used both resources tell me whether its worth bothering to finish first or if its better to just go straight on to the Dave Astle openGL game programming book? Thanks.
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I think it's good to read over a few win32 tutorials ( before jumping into OGL. Don't get caught up in all of the nitty gritty details, though. Just aim for the big picture. Learn how the message loop works, how to use resources, and stuff like that. Then when you go to OGL, even if you use GLut (which automates windows creation for you), you will know basically what it is doing under the hood.

I haven't read the OGL book you mention, but it does no harm in knowing the info already, and having it presented to you again in the first few chapters. Even if you don't plan on doing much windows programming, it can't hurt to know how it works (in a general sense) as it is the most used OS out there :)
The best site I found and learnd alot is Nehe . But there are alot more easyer ways to setup openGL application, I found SDL quite easy SDL home . Here is a simple example clicky . I found that quite impressive after a few months of Winapi :)

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