Samsung's new gadgety phone!

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3 comments, last by shmoove 19 years, 3 months ago
If you thought that location based gaming opened a whole window of innovation, take a look at this... A gadget like this could produce some truly innovative games, for example you could combine it with a location based engine to provide virtual marathons. What are your thoughts on this new technology?
At first read thru I truly was excited by this.....then reading how it could be used in gaming, moving device up/left/right/down, instead of just pressing the keys, somewhat deflated the moment. Woot woot! for new innovation and the like but it's gonna take years to develop this successfully to market.....the picture that came to my mind was the movements required to play a racing is it going to determine speed without button pressing?...d'ya have to move it through the air faster/slower etc?..wot would that look like to some innocent bystander who just happened to look into your car and just see your hand moving? hmmm?...makes you wonder.... still - be interesting to see what happens with it.....cheers for the link!

Heh.. Cool. Program it so that if the phone is in the pocket and the user falls over and starts to crawl home it'll call a cab.

I can see some nasty "side effects" here.. If someone were to throw the phone at a wall, it would automatically call the insurance agency an tell on the user ;)
Better still:
Quote:Original post by frostburn
Program it so that if the phone is in the pocket and the user falls over and starts to crawl home it'll call a cab.

That's something I would need :)

This could also be good to make some DDR type games.


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