If statements and conditions

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3 comments, last by Fruny 19 years, 3 months ago
hey, is there a way to give an if statement more than one condition. ex. if mystring == open door and myveriable == 2.
Connect the two with a boolean AND operator, usually a && in most languages:
if ((n == 5) && (m == 8)) {...}

&& evaluates to true if both the conditions it connects evaluate to true.


dunno if this is good programming practice or not,
but heres another way:
int someint  = 2;int someint2 = 4;if(someint==2){   if(someint2==4)   {     // code will happpen if both conditions are true;     // same as if(someint==2 && someint2==4)   }}

Fruny - fixed typo (= vs ==) and formatting.
I pity the fool that uses numerical operators as boolean evaluators!
Quote:Original post by supercrazy7474
dunno if this is good programming practice or not, but heres another way:

Depends on the context. Sometimes it may be a good idea, some time it may not be.
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