Win32 button font color

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0 comments, last by Kippesoep 19 years, 2 months ago
I give up. I spent the entire afternoon searching for an answer to this - what i believe to be a - simple problem. It is now 11pm and i still haven't found an answer or even a clue to an answer. The problem i'm looking for an answer for is this : i created a button control using straight win32 and now i want to change the color of the text on it. (EDIT : i mean of the caption on it) It seems like something which you should be able to change in 1 or 2 lines of code but so far i haven't found a solution yet. If anyone could help me you'd make me very happy. [smile]
Standard Win32 buttons do not support changing the font colour. You'll have to use an owner-drawn button.

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