How do I delete a class from the workspace?

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3 comments, last by Evil Steve 19 years, 2 months ago
I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 and I can't figure out how to delete a class from the left side of the program (Workspace? Class View) I deleted the .h and .cpp file which held this class from the file view and from my computer... So when I double click on the class it says file .h missing but it will not delete the class from the class view. How do I delete it?
You need to remove the .h and .cpp files from the project too. Goto the "Files" tab (or whatever it's called), and delete the 2 files from there.
If that doesn't work, try exiting MSVC, and deleting the .clw and .ncb files from the project folder.
thanks! I deleted the .ncb file and now I could delete classes by deleting .h and .cpp. I could not find .clw file. Also new problem.. Now I can't get to functions when clicking on a function of a class... the .cpp is included but all comments are black instead of blue! Something in not right. All #include are black too.. all if,else, are black too
Also now my class view has all kinds of tags, IDirect3D stuff and device stuff.. So there are like 10 of my classes and about 40 of this new stuff that I don,t want. Basically stuff from mmsystem.h, dinput.h, and DPlay8.h,and is in my class view. I've never had this happen.
The DirectX interfaces should only be in your class view if you added the headers to your project. If all the text in a file is black, MSVC doesn't recognise it as a .cpp file. Are you sure the file extension is .cpp?

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