[web] Comments please

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28 comments, last by rick_appleton 19 years, 2 months ago
I'm looking for comments on my webpage: here. I realise the first page needs a lot of work ;) as its just a portal to get rid of the Dot.TK stuff. I'm not sure about the colors I'm using. I wanted something clean, but using colors which aren't used often. [Edited by - rick_appleton on February 23, 2005 3:17:54 AM]
I think it is a very nice and clean design. Great use of PHP with those tables(?). I am looking for a design similar to that w/o having to use PHP, kind of like Evolutional's web page html'ized. I was in the middle of looking at it, and it stopped responding, so I do not know if you are updating. The main thing that I noticed was page load times were not that fast. Another thing is that the "Game" tabs' table does not align with the rest of the tabs. I am using firefox browser btw.

- Drew
Well, I doubt I'd been editing it at the same time. Load times might be slowish, since it's hosted on my own ADSL line.

About the Games tab not aligning, I expect the Engine tab didn't align either? That's due to the appearence of the scrollbar on the side and me centering the entire table.

I'm only using PHP to stick the header and footer to the pages, but I think the basics are just &#106avascript. If you wanted you could just copy-paste the header and footer into each file and you wouldn't need PHP.<br><br>Thanks for the comments.
No problem. Actually the game tab was the only one that I saw when I clicked through them all. I checked again and the Engine tab still worked correctly. As for the timeout I think I just refreshed too much when I was clickling to see the tabs line up [lol]. Silly UTD internet.

Now here's something intresting. I just now looked at your page in IE and it is flawless. Not only that, it works *very* fast and is 100x better than how FireFox is handling it. I think it is just a FF problem to being with, so you are doing great on design [smile]. I'd work for more IE compability than FF.

- Drew Benton
Hmm, I haven't even tested in IE yet to be honest, I'll have to give it a go. I'm still not sure what you mean exactly when you say the 'Games' tab doesn't align. It works fine here. Could you make a screenie of what you mean?
Nice clean design. I like it.
It's a good one. You could convert it to CSS very easily [smile].
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Quote:Original post by Rob Loach
You could convert it to CSS very easily [smile].

Shall we convert him to... THE DARK SIDE, Rob? [grin]
Rob: what would need to be converted to CSS? I already have the styles of the fonts in an external stylesheet, so I'm assuming you mean the tabbed table links?

If it's possible, and works in all contemporary browsers, I'm all for it. Could you give me some pointers?

edit: Took a look at your own site. I guess you do mean the tabbed links. I'll take another look at your site as an example this evening.
What we normally mean by 'converting to CSS' is to drop all use of tables for layout(except for tabular data). Instead, we use normal xhtml elements with applied CSS styles, with the primary dividing 'cell' being that of a div. Look at the source of my homepage or Robs and you'll see what I mean.

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