What is your favorite(easy) programming language?

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60 comments, last by Miserable 19 years, 2 months ago
Quote:Original post by Rob Loach
How about scripting language? I'd vote Python.
I'd call it a programming language.
hey Trap, have you ever attempted or had any success with binding LISP to C++ for use with OpenGL and such?


*gets on fire suit and picks up water hose*

no..i like Python aswell :)
Quote:Original post by pTymN
hey Trap, have you ever attempted or had any success with binding LISP to C++ for use with OpenGL and such?
There exist OpenGL bindings for Corman Lisp. Aside from that, most implementations have a C FFI (foreign function interface) with which you can tie into C code without too much bother (once you're comfortable with the typically cumbersome syntax).

If you're starting out with Lisp, I'd recommend the Corman route.
Not only OpenGL, there even is cl-sdl.

You can very easily use all Java or .NET libraries with foil.

If you want to bind some lowlevel C library you can use UFFI
I started out with C++, and I like how powerful it is. But if your looking for ease I would say python, I dont know it but I've heard really good things about it. As for C++ I've been using it for about 5 months and still have much to learn.
I second Pascal [smile].
One of the languages for which you can assume “If it compiles, it'll do exactly what you expect it to do”. Free Pascal seems to be a very good compiler, for example it supports lots of platforms, comes with many libraries and bindings and - best of all - it's free as in doesn't cost you a cent.
Just because C++ is immensely complex does not mean you cannot learn it as a beginner. Get a good book and stick to the basics for a while. Then, when you need more advanced features, voila - they're there to be used in a language you already know ( atleast partly). I would suggest starting wiht C++ but not using classes, pointers, templates... until you're quite comfortable with the basics. That way you haven't spent countless hours mastering a language like blitzbasic that you may find later does not suit your needs. But that is just what I think.
While not necessarily the best language, I think Visual Basic is very easy to pick up and learn. You can get a simple program up and running far faster than with c++, since most of the ugly code is typed for you, and everything's in nice, easy to understand forms where you just fill in values. Not to mention, the code is pretty straightforward and easy to pick up on.

Other programs are more powerful, and vb teaches some bad programming habits in my opinion, but if you want to slap something together in no time at all, you can do it with vb. =)
Quote:Original post by Fruny
C++ is not easy. Learn Python.

If only Python recognized tabs? I mean, I use 'insert spaces', but some people don't. [headshake]
By the way, can you use Python to script in Python?

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