moving to directx advice please

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31 comments, last by tok_junior 19 years, 2 months ago
thanks for the advice forgotten...ill have to mull it over and make my decision.

DirectDraw is sooooooooooo....sooooooooooooooooo...oooo o ... much easier
You've made a good decision (I hope, or else you can blame it on me [grin])
The G'Bro GameDev Society! -The Southeastern US GameDev Gathering Group
actually i think i might give 3d a try...

/sigh..time to find a book
Hello nex7,
If your looking for a book, your might want to try "Focus on 2d in direct3D". This is so far been a very good book learn 2d programming using direct3d. I've worked through the first 3 chapters, and am learning quite a bit on how direct3d draws the 2d primitives, and from what I can tell, it will also teach you how to use textures to draw 2d sprites and backgounds. So goto Amazon or whereever and give this book a try!
And Drunken Hyena's [he's often in the directX forum] tutorials are very straightforward and newbie friendly.

And having used both, using d3d9 is by far easier and simpiler than directdraw ever was. Or at least once you get over the fairly steep 1-2 week learning curve, and encapsulate the d3d stuff into your own class[es].
do you guys have a tutorial in mind dealing with textured quads for 2d?

i just bought a $60 book about isometrics to fill in the holes i was missing and would rather not spend more...i might have to look at that book though.

thanks for all the help.

i have an engine up and running..its going through my game loops and displaying ye ole triangle...but i need to move into the textured quads to get my tile maps loaded up.

Thanks again!!
well..i went to bed at 4am this morning...but...i got the framework of my engine set up...

I am rendering textured quads.....

next is alpha blending and creating a drawing routine to line up my tiles...then comes the scrolling.. many things to do....

Ok here is my question.

as im rendering my quads will i be doing the same thing as 2d...

making the corners of my Iso quad transparent and translating the tile down by half to lock with the tiles below it?

thats silly...ok so the next thought is to make diamonds and texture them...but...they have to be 2:1 to be if i textured that it would squish the texture...arg!


sorry for all of the just trying to find the best way to do this so i dont have to rewrite..AGAIN!

[Edited by - nex7 on March 3, 2005 11:31:35 AM]
The quads should actually be diamond like in shape, There should be no black borders around them implying that they are actually rectangles. You will have to move them down halfway though.

EDIT: missed your thats silly comment. [smile]. Can't be helped, prepare for a long road filled with many twists ,turns and rewrites. [grin]. Using a texture similar in size to your tile should have acceptale results. In my game I used 128x64 tiles and 128x64 textures.

the textures cant be...they would get squished...but!!! wait!!!...

what about seamlessness i would imagine that munging textures like that would cause issues....

I feel like a newb...and thats not cool!

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