Attacks, Bitching, etc.

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64 comments, last by NeHe 23 years, 6 months ago
I personally think you should ignore flame mail. I''ve ran a game editing site of my own for a while, and I periodically recieved hate mail. Most of those people are just hecklers or webmasters of rival sites. I just don''t understand if someone doesn''t like this site, why keep coming back?

Anyways I think the site is great, and you should not attempt to change a thing in order to please your harshest critics. Only change something if YOU feel it is a wonderful idea. It is never possible to make everyone happy. There will always be a small percentage of people who are naturally pissed off.

You have proven your self many times. We all know your a good person!
euh ce site est quand même très complet même si il est pas réactualisé pendant un moment c laisse réfléchir un peu les fucking lamerz sur les tuts qui existent déjà ,
enfin tous les webmasters comprennent que c pas simple de gérer un site très dynamique ,un travail et des problèmes familliaux
donc big-up à NeHe qui se débrouille vraiment bien
About a month and a half ago I discovered Nehe''s site. To my amazement I actually understood what he was going on about (i.e. OpenGL and 3D coding). Since that day when I get to work I fire up the browser and browse through the news and tell GetRight the get the latest demos or stuff.

This has now changed since the site will be on hold. I will still fire up the browser and go to the site. There just won''t be any new news or stuff to download.

But I will be coming back, like an while(1) loop till someone kill''s my process because I''ll wait whatever it takes to see the site going again.

I''m a professional programmer, I write C++ code all day, I play with MFC''s and databases all day. When I get home I get a kick out of trying to do new stuff with OpenGL. New stuff which I learned from Nehe''s tutorials, because he took the time and pacience to write them and make them good enough for most people to understand and learn from them.

So to Nehe, thanks from everything. You have all my support. If you need a break then by all means take one. You deserve it. I completely understand your feelings towards flamers, the site, everything. Take some time off... cool you head... get your strength back. When you''re ready, those that care will still be here.

To the poor souls who have nothing better to say or do, leave him be. If you have nothing constructive to say then keep quiet. Noone needs the agravation, and certainly not Nehe.

Sure he uses globals, so what ? The site is about OpenGL. If people are newbies at C and C++ then they should be learning C and C++ in the first place not OpenGL.

Take care everyone, like someone said, and I agree, we''re all a big family.

My two cents of support,

Marco Cunha
CodeWiz of IgnoCorp
Marco CunhaCodeWiz of IgnoCorp

I liked your post... I don't know french to good, (got a test tomorrow!) and the first word i understood was "fucking lamerz"

that makes everything clear!


P.s.: Take your break Nehe... And then... One day you'll return from the dark real world and will code new tutorials to lighten up our brains... It's Nehe! and he kicks-Ass! go Nehe go!

Visit Rarebyte!
and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this questions a few times over in the states

Edited by - phueppl1 on November 6, 2000 1:31:43 PM
Visit Rarebyte! and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this question a few times over in the states ;) )
i dont understand your problem, i ve nicely learned c (and even c++) with the code from nehe. of course i have a book at home where i could read bout how to write a class and so, but, without nehe i never knowed what to do. NeHe gives inspiration for doing things. He shows, that with a little file (and lesson1 is a little file), you could create 3dgrafiks. His (poor wrong and stupid or whatever else..) c-code is perfekt. Its short. Its just what it need to be, working. He looks nice for errors. He tests everything for errors.
On other sites with ogl-tutorials, you get "correct" c++ code, but, when you start coding, you do not understand anything at all

HDC hdc;
HGLRC hrc;
HWND hwnd;

things like this arent easy for c/c++ beginners. NeHes code IS. I''ve learned with it, and now, after bout (hm calculating november-february).. some month, i (ok sounds a little stupid) am GREAT. That just means, I dont have any problems with coding something in c/c++.. its just floating onto my fingers and its written down.

ps: my only problem now are fucking microsoft apis, such a bullshit.

NeHe: Take your pause, you deserve it. But dont forget, you are my startuppage, and I am waiting for you. I click onto the little house in my browser up to 10 times a day, just to see if something changes..
Just dont listen to this fucking guys. We at have similar problems with guys who just want to say our work is illegal, and you do some stupid shit. You are bether known, so you get more of such guys (they just want to have theyr own site as big as yours sure.. who dont want)

btw, I am working for the X-Mas Contest, so dont forget to continue your site before chrismas. (I know some other guys, and all are working on a project for chrismas)

we wanna play, not watch the pictures

If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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