directshow VMR samples?

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3 comments, last by yuhaobo 19 years, 2 months ago
I wonder if there is any good vmr smaple around with the custom allocator. The multiVMR sample comes with SDK is dauntingly complex.
Yeah, you are right! The Directshow samples on the SDK are silly!

What are you trying to achieve?

I can't recommend this thread enough. its about using directshow to draw onto textures, and even if this is not what you wish to achieve, is an insight into how to develop a custom filter graph.


I'm trying to render a video to the face of my model or a texture quad. I think the best way now is to use multivmr.dll blindly, but that is not a good way to learn, right?
Quote:Original post by sipickles
Yeah, you are right! The Directshow samples on the SDK are silly!

What are you trying to achieve?

I can't recommend this thread enough. its about using directshow to draw onto textures, and even if this is not what you wish to achieve, is an insight into how to develop a custom filter graph.



by the way, thanks for the recommendation, i'll try to understand that post
any more suggestions on this?

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