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0 comments, last by Evil Steve 19 years, 1 month ago
Hi I need to create a class Crono, to creat an object clock, there is going to be a int with the hours,a int min with minutes, int sec with seconds and another with milliseconds, the problem is that ctime's function time() get only seconds and I need milliseconds. I use Dev-C++ and i think that timeGetTime() is not an option, because it is from Borland and VC. Another thing is that it must fuction in Win and Linux...

twitter: @leonidax

website: www.leonidax.com

From This Thread, just a few posts down in this forum:
There's the clock() function (Unix man pages version, which should be fine.
#include <time.h>void DoSomething(){   clock_t clockStart = clock();   // Do something here that takes a long time   clock_t clockDuration = clock()-clockStart;   float fTime = ((float)clockDuration) / ((float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);   printf("It took %f seconds\n",fTime);}

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