[java] Urgent utf-8 to ascii-stay in problem not spam

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-1 comments, last by HellCreator 19 years, 1 month ago
Please I need help with bitmaped fonts as in nehe tutorials there 3 bmp files with russian,hebrew and arabic fonts with range 0-255 16*16 pixels each gliph, they loaded and stored in diferent gltexid[3]. Actually I have not problems with bmp they works fine but reading strings from file.If in file just english then all right and works perfect but i need also russian,hebrew and arabic support in app. I reading string from file utf-8 coded only one language is used in one single file.I need to convert it some how to ascii lower for latins and to uppers respectively for other languages then I will pass it to glprintf(fontid,str) p.s.: it is not crosspost from nehe thread I trying to do it in java (gl4java),may be some one already got it working Or may be we have here another solution with Unicode 16 BE [Edited by - HellCreator on March 17, 2005 10:45:11 AM]
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