SDL Collision Library

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21 comments, last by somebodykulj 16 years, 2 months ago
This function is all I've ever needed:

int Collide(const SDL_Rect * a, const SDL_Rect * b) {	if ( b->x + b->w < a->x ) return 0;	if ( b->x > a->x + a->w ) return 0;	if ( b->y + b->h < a->y ) return 0;	if ( b->y > a->y + a->h ) return 0;	return 1;}
Just a quick note that SDL_collide has moved to SourceForge.
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
DO any of you guys know of a collision function for mario type games? for non tile objects, see i have made a good tile collision system but i messed up big triing to follow those N tutorials... SO is there a SDL example? or code that some would like to share with me?

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