Resource editor and encrypting scripting language help

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1 comment, last by Programmer16 19 years, 1 month ago
I'm working on a GUI system for windows (that I'll later port to a DirectX system and maybe others) that loads an entire window from a file (right now I'm using an ini file). I need some help with programming a resource editor in windows and obtaining (either downloading or programming) a encryptable scripting language (so that only designers can modify the file). Also, if anybody thinks this is a waste of my time please say so (and please back up your argument). This way I don't spend all my time on it. I already have it working so far (it loads and creates a main window, then loads 2 editboxes, a listbox with 3 choices, and 2 buttons, 1 of which closes the windows). Thanks! EDIT: If anybody wants to see it in action, heres a little demo I threw together. Its the one mentioned above. WndFile Test Pressing popup shows a messagebox with the contents the the second edit box as the text and the contents of the first edit box as the title. Pressing done closes the window (of course) I don't have it loading the style yet, so ES_AUTOHSCROLL (I think thats the flag) hasn't been specified, so you can only add like 10 or so characters. [Edited by - Programmer16 on March 28, 2005 1:25:23 PM]
There are several scripting languages out there that support byte-code distribution. This means you use a specific compiler for that language, compile your scripts, and then deliver the compiled files with your binaries.

Lua is one of those languages. Using luac.exe you can compile your scripts.

As for the UI system, you're not the first one making one and probably not the last either. For Win32, I'd say it's a waste. And for DirectX, it's only a plan if you make the UI very easy to use and skinnable.


Thanks for the reply Toolmaker. I've looked into lua before, but I didn't get real far (I didn't really need to learn it yet) so I'll look into it again. As for Win32 being a waste, I agree. The only reason I'm doing it for Win32 is because its already set up and I know how to program using it. I just figured that if my windows were created from a file, I could change the UI after I released the game (this way if users think it sucks really bad after I've released it, I can update accordingly and poof, download the new .wnd file and you're on your way).

Thanks again!

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