Is 3D Studio Max R4 Out?

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2 comments, last by PigBear Studios 23 years, 6 months ago
Well the subject says it all. I just whant to know if 3D Studio Max R4 is in the stores? If what have been changed and it wasn`t so very long sice they relesed R3 and they didn`t change mutch. Is it only the rendering thing that have been speeded up?
No. Early next year, I think.

They borrowed the hotbox concept from Maya. They support quads and other polys now. I missed most of the demo.

Oh yeah, the bones. The bones system looked actually useful. They had 4 wings on each bone that could be individually scaled to make pretty much any shaped bone you wanted. It didn''t support anything like .bip files, though.

On SIGGRAPH they said that it would start shipping in six months.
That should make it February/March


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