ASP Date Sorting

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15 comments, last by Michalson 18 years, 11 months ago
Quote:Original post by chbrules
Nevermind, I just figured it out myself:

set dater = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")	dater.Open "SELECT * FROM TradeshowTimes WHERE Tradeshow_ID = '" & rs("Tradeshow_ID") & "' ORDER BY Tradeshow_ID ASC", sConn, 1, 2, 0		Response.Write Replace( dater("Setup_Date"), "/" & year(dater("Setup_Date")), "" ) & " - "		dater.MoveLast		Response.Write Replace( dater("Setup_Date"), "/" & year(dater("Setup_Date")), "" )

I hope that's not too sloppy. I get quirk at blank fields though, I'll have to do error checking too on it.

Unbelievably ugly, and totally inefficient. If there is more then one tradeshow on the report and you are thus repeating this code, you should be sent to SQL jail. You have caused a ton of records to be pulled from the database that you aren't even going to use.

As I've tried to explain to you all along, the correct method, taught on the first day, is this:

dater.Open "SELECT Min(Setup_Date) AS StartDate, Max(Setup_Date) AS EndDate FROM TradeshowTimes WHERE Tradeshow_ID = '" & rs("Tradeshow_ID") & "' GROUP BY Tradeshow_ID ", sConn, 1, 2, 0		Response.Write Replace( dater("StartDate"), "/" & year(dater("Setup_Date")), "" ) & "<font size='2'> - </font>"		Response.Write Replace( dater("EndDate"), "/" & year(dater("Setup_Date")), "" )
I think you really need to take a step back if you intend to continue working on SQL. You believe you know enough about SQL, yet your posting shows you don't even understand the absolute basics. To be generous I would wager your SQL experience before this has been on MySQL (since you mentioned PHP), which would have given you a very bad impression of how databases work (sort of like learning to program in a language with no loops or functions and only a goto - when given a C compiler you would proceed to write absolutely terrible C code because you don't understand how it works).

While you can certainly buy a book, you could also get a free crash course in the absolute basics at a site like W3Schools. While it's not even going to cover the capabilities of Access, it should give you a better understanding of SQL. You should also look into the crash course in ADO.
Sorry if I've offended the SQL gods. >_>

The company makes me do this ASP/SQL crap which I could care less for, I'm a C++ programmer. Way to use your resources eh? I'm too young w/ not enough experience and not a degree yet to change jobs, so I'm stuck here for now while in school.

Anyway, thank you for explaining all this, I will have to get more in-depth w/ SQL queries now since I know this. Do you recommend any good sources for learning about such?

I have one more dilema with this project though, how do I check for records that aren't there? Say I call a tradeshow_ID that doesn't have times recorded for it yet, how do I check to see if the record doesn't exist from the query results? I try an if statement against <> "" or NULL, but it keeps getting errors. I'm going to kill myself. -.-
While you can do it in SQL, for your situation (and frankly most, since it is getting into very advanced conditional SQL) you can do it in ASP code. ASP is not really a language, instead it's a platform for connecting a language to IIS. By default VBScript is the language you are using (with ASP providing a few objects like "Response" and "Request") so if you are stuck you can always look up the VBScript reference (if you are interested, you can also use &#106avascript out the box, or install 3rd party language DLLs to allow you to write ASP pages in languages like Python or Perl).<br><br>With VBScript you just need to use IsNull(), a function that returns True or False.<br><br>Also, in case you didn't know, when you get a recordset, the "EOF" property (dater.eof) will return true if there are no records (you also use EOF to determine when you've reached the end while browsing with MoveNext)
Well I was trying as you said, the values come out just right until I reach a query that doesn't exist. Say I call tradeshow_ID 123 or something, and it didn't have an entry for times, with this code I use:

set dater = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")		dater.Open "SELECT Min(Setup_Date) AS StartDate, Max(Setup_Date) AS EndDate FROM TradeshowTimes WHERE Tradeshow_ID = '" & rs("Tradeshow_ID") & "' GROUP BY Tradeshow_ID ", sConn, 1, 2, 0		If isnull(dater("StartDate")) then		Response.Write ""	Else		Response.Write Replace( dater("StartDate"), "/" & year(dater("StartDate")), "" ) & " - "			Response.Write Replace( dater("EndDate"), "/" & year(dater("EndDate")), "" )	End If

With this error:

error '80020009' Exception occurred. /marketing/tradeshow/tradeshows.asp, line 326

Which is this line:

Response.Write Replace( dater("StartDate"), "/" & year(dater("StartDate")), "" ) & " - "

Which I assume is because my isnull() didn't catch the query not existing or something?
NM, I fixed it with a stupid if check on the dater object w/ an EOF. =/

Thanks again.
As I mentioned, if no records are returned, you'll want to use dater.eof to check that.

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