Obtaining a better quality with ID3DXFont

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15 comments, last by il_maestro 18 years, 11 months ago
Hello, i'm writing a Quake-like console, it's almost finished but i have a problem with the raw quality of the font output. If i'll make this too, i'll pot here the Classes. The problem is that i obtain antialiased font that give out a "ghost" effect, very unpleasant. I tried to play turning off multisampling for the device, than changing the the flags of D3DXFONT_DESC but i did not obtain a decent result. Anyone have encountered that before or have a good advice? Many thanks.
You mean a slight blur?

Try adding 0.5 to your text coordinates. There's a reason for this, but I cant be bothered going into it. :P
Yes, that "slight blur".
But adding simply an offset is not an acceptable solution ;)
I can't see where is the point.
Sounds like a "texels to pixels"-problem
Read about "Mapping Texels to Screen Space" in the DX documentation, or search this forum for some info about it.
"Directly Mapping Texels to Pixels" in the DX documentation is the correct article.
Ok, i have read the article about textel and pixel. Many thanks, because now
i know one more thing. Sadly, it seems it does not apply to the case... Here
is some code.
This is where I create the font, and it's almost the same as Text3D sample
in the SDK.
HDC hDC = GetDC( NULL );    int nLogPixelsY = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY);    ReleaseDC( NULL, hDC );    int nHeight = -iLogicalFontHeight * nLogPixelsY / 72;	// Initialize and fill D3DXFONT_DESC structure ,that describes the font	ZeroMemory(&dxFontDescription, sizeof(D3DXFONT_DESC));	dxFontDescription.Height			=nHeight;	// in logical units	dxFontDescription.Width				=0;		// in logical units, if 0 is set using the height	dxFontDescription.Weight			=FW_NORMAL;		// boldness, range 0(light) - 1000(bold)	dxFontDescription.MipLevels			=0;		// A mipmap is a sequence of textures, use D3DX_DEFAULT to have a complete mipmap chain 	//dxFontDescription.Italic				=false;	// Italic on a console? Nah....	dxFontDescription.CharSet			=DEFAULT_CHARSET;	// iso-8859-1 or kind of....	dxFontDescription.OutputPrecision	=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS;	// defines how closely the output must match the requested font height, width......	dxFontDescription.Quality			=DEFAULT_QUALITY;		// Writes with the default quality	dxFontDescription.PitchAndFamily	=DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE;		// Default pitch and kick to the family		strcpy(dxFontDescription.FaceName, sFontName);			// font style		// Make sure we have a valid D3D Device	if(!dxDevice) { 		return E_FAIL;	};	// Create an ID3DXFont based on dxFontDescription.	if(FAILED(hr=D3DXCreateFontIndirect(dxDevice, &dxFontDescription, &dxFont)))	{		::OutputDebugStr("Failed #D3DXCreateFontIndirect# call in #CTextOut::ResetFont#");		return hr;	}

Here I call the DrawText to render a string to the screen (i'm not drawing
on a texture).
  		// give the screen offset of given x, y		SetRect(&rect,x,y,0,0);		// the first call returns the height of the rectangle to draw in		if (FAILED(hr=dxFont->DrawText(			NULL,				// LPD3DXSPRITE pSprite			sTextBufferTemp.c_str(),		//LPCTSTR pString			-1,					// int Count, size of string or -1 indicates null terminating string			&rect,				// LPRECT pRect, rectangle text is to be formatted to in windows coords			DT_CALCRECT,	// DWORD Format, draw in the left without clipping			dxFGColor)))	// D3DCOLOR Color ,black text		{			::OutputDebugStr("Failed #dxDevice->BeginScene# call in #CTextOut::Lock#");			return hr;		}			// the second call put the text in the defined rectangle		if (FAILED(hr=dxFont->DrawText(			NULL,				// LPD3DXSPRITE pSprite			sTextBufferTemp.c_str(),				//LPCTSTR pString			-1,					// int Count, size of string or -1 indicates null terminating string			&rect,				// LPRECT pRect, rectangle text is to be formatted to in windows coords			DT_LEFT|DT_NOCLIP,	// DWORD Format, draw in the left without clipping				dxFGColor)))		// D3DCOLOR Color ,black text		{			::OutputDebugStr("Failed #dxDevice->BeginScene# call in #CTextOut::Lock#");			return hr;		}

So there isn't place to give a -0.5 offset. :-(
And this url is a picture of the problem: http://fantalab.altervista.org/immagini/ooo.JPG
From the docs:
DEFAULT_QUALITY - Appearance of the font does not matter.

Are you sure that's what you want?

I've always used ANTIALIASED_QUALITY, but you also might want to try NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY or PROOF_QUALITY to get the effect you want.
Stay Casual,KenDrunken Hyena
Ken, i tried every combination in the logfont struct :-((
Quote:Original post by DrunkenHyena
I've always used ANTIALIASED_QUALITY, but you also might want to try NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY or PROOF_QUALITY to get the effect you want.

I point out one more strange thing: even if i change to NONANTIALIASED_QUALITY, ANTIALIASED_QUALITY... the output look always exactly the same :-|

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