Opengl font

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9 comments, last by EmmanuelFP 18 years, 11 months ago
Could someone recommend a good and FAST opengl font library. I've been busting my hump for the past 3 days with no luck. I finally got one to work called gltext but after drawing enough objects, performance really drops. When I used SDL_TTF and blit surfaces, there was barely a drop at all. I could handle over 20 text surfaces on the screen at once with no problem. Now that I've made the switch to OpenGL, I can't handle five. I really need help. I'm desperate [bawling]!!
You can still use SDL_TTF and blit surfaces with OpenGL! You can use SDL_Surface* with any gl functions that require a GLvoid* pixels parameter. I wish I had some code to give you but it is at home. You can check out the SDL port of NeHe lesson 6 to see how to texture map with SDL_Surfaces - and build off that.

I don't know if this will work if you're not already using SDL to setup OpenGL. Hope this helps!
I forgot to add that I'm using windows [embarrass] (Unless there's some sort of program that opens tar.gz programs), but thanks!
Winzip will open .tar.gz
And if you don't have WinZip and only have the default windows zip access, here it is in .zip format.

By the way, I think you should definitly have a look at this thread [wink]
Well it looks like a lot to work with for someone like me but I'll see what I can do. Thanks! But are you sure I can get my text blitting speed back?

EDIT: And as to this link, I got the first part but rendering was slow and I was completely baffled on the FontMGR library.
Arggg!! I'm still lost!!! Am I supposed to convert the sdl surface to a texture surface then draw it ( That was slow the last time I've done it). Am I supposed to somehow get the text to go straight to a surface? Am I supposed to load the surface once and somehow draw the characters in parts (clueless as how to do that?). Any info at all would be much obliged.
I like BMF_font, but I have no idea about its speed compared to other libs.
The simplest and fastes way is this. You could use SDL to generate the font bitmap though.

edit: this wasn't what I thought it was... So here some code I use. (be warned of the ugglynes ;)

void glPrint(GLint x, GLint y, int set, const char *fmt, ...) {        char     text[1024];        va_list ap;        GLuint err;        if (fmt == NULL)                return;        va_start(ap, fmt);                vsprintf(text, fmt, ap);        va_end(ap);        if (set > 1)                set = 1;        glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS);        glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);        glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);        glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);        glEnable(GL_BLEND);        glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);        glAlphaFunc ( GL_GREATER, 0.1f ) ;        glEnable ( GL_ALPHA_TEST ) ;        glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);        glPushMatrix();        glLoadIdentity();        /*you have to change this to match your settings*/        glOrtho(0, 1600, 0, 1200, -1, 1);         glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);        glPushMatrix();        glLoadIdentity();        glTranslated(x,y,0);        glListBase(font_base-32+(128*set));        glScalef(1.0f,-1.0f,1.0f);        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, font_texture[0]);        glCallLists(strlen(text),GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, text);        glPopMatrix();        glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);        glPopMatrix();        glPopAttrib();        glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);}void build_font() {        int loop;        float cx, cy;        printf("loading font...\n");        font_texture[0] = load_texture_tga(TEXTURE_FONT);        if (font_texture[0]) {                font_base = glGenLists(256);                for (loop = 0; loop < 256; loop++) {                        cx = (float)(loop % 16)/16.0f;                        cy = (float)(loop / 16)/16.0f;                        glNewList(font_base+loop, GL_COMPILE);                                glBegin(GL_QUADS);                                        glColor3f(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f);                                        glTexCoord2f(cx,cy+0.0625f);                                        glVertex2d(0,16);                                        glTexCoord2f(cx+0.0625f,cy+0.0625f);                                        glVertex2d(16,16);                                        glTexCoord2f(cx+0.0625f,cy+0.001f);                                        glVertex2d(16,0);                                        glTexCoord2f(cx,cy+0.001);                                        glVertex2d(0,0);                                glEnd();                                glTranslated(9,0,0);                        glEndList();                }        } else {                printf("Error: font\n");        }}

[Edited by - nefthy on June 2, 2005 10:41:24 AM]
Check it out, especially my 2 reply's at the end. If it won't help you, then nothing will (assuming you will stick to OGL + SDL_TTF).

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