Good Bye Visual C++!

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13 comments, last by vgmtech 18 years, 11 months ago
I have had it with micro$oft! I have tried 2003 toolkit with all SDKs platform .net etc... And there was VC 2005 express both betas, - 1 was good But need .net 2.0 beta 1. - But Beta 2 was BAD! Ended win32 native for good on express! So... I want to go GCC for Windows? How could i start. I have dev-cpp
good choice man!
I don't know if this will help, for for an awsome text editor for programmers, look here.
Or you could try Crimson Editor :
It is, of course, your choice to make - but in my personal opinion it's more than a little bit foolish to judge a product based on a beta version, especially a beta version of a budget product (VC++ Express). Just keep in mind that there's a reason why tens of thousands of professional programmers swear by Visual Studio.

DevC++ already uses the MinGW compiler, which essentially is GCC for Windows, albeit slightly reduced to eliminate some *nix/POSIX stuff that you obviously don't need on Win32. If you're looking for ways to get started using DevC++, there's always this; otherwise you may need to be more specific about what exactly you're looking to accomplish.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

Yes, But is VS "free"... ah No.
Beta is free but it is "crippleware"!
I use Dev-cpp but not "happy" for most 3d engines, Crystal Space 3D, ogre...
I'm using beta 2, minor bugs but nothing i can't deal with. What exactly happened to put you off vs? -> check it out, some gnarly stick skating movies
Quote:Original post by vgmtech
Yes, But is VS "free"... ah No.
Beta is free but it is "crippleware"!

I use the VC++ 2005 Proffesional Beta 2 (not the downloadable Express version), a few minor crashes, but generally no problems. It is no "crippleware".
"C lets you shoot yourself in the foot rather easily. C++ allows you to reuse the bullet!"
Crippleware ? In which way ?

The stuff that was apparently cut away is the platform sdk (which you can download for free from microsoft), the resource editor for unmanaged applications and some enterprise-level stuff (like database connectivity).

I've successfully compiled audiere, boost, cal3d, corona, cppunit, dumb, flac, freetype, libjpeg, libogg, libpng, libsigc++, libungif, libvorbis, loki, lua, luabind, ode, opcode, python, sdl, spirit, sqlite, tinyxml, unit++, xvidcore and zlib and my own project with VC++ Express Beta2. I didn't miss anything, and while there certainly are some issues, it looks quite solid to me.


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