A Screenshot Of My Forthcoming Game!

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20 comments, last by Daaark 18 years, 11 months ago
Just thought i would throw out a very early screenshot of my forthcoming game 3D Minesweeper. It is in its very early stages so it may not end up looking like this but this is an indication. ace
Looks pretty.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
That looks really pretty sweet, ace. I like the (as I see it) rocky texture of the board, it would look cool with a jungle background. Like a Jimanji board.
- stormrunner
Nice, but why tilt the board back?

-edit- Stormrunner's comment made me realize what could be done with that setup. maybe plant a 3d flag on the squares that are marked?
Vampyre_Dark: What do you mean?

Oh and i will probably bump map it as well. That would make it look sweet.

EDIT: Ooh i miss read, thought you said 'tilt it black', hehe. Presently i think it is tilted too far back. I'm proabbly going to straighten it up a bit, but i need to maintain the 3D perspective so not too much.

Any suggestions welcome.

Isn't it hard to pick the upper squares with the board being tilted?
Or can the user move the view freely?
---------------Magic is real, unless declared integer.- the collected sayings of Wiz Zumwalt
Can you fly around the board to get a better angle? and maybe have 3D flags. If you are adventurous, you can add some new 3D gameplay by stacking boards on top of eachother in some way, so you have to solve multiple boards, each getting bigger, until you have to solve the bottom board.
Hey, thanks for the replies. Some great ideas.

I had thought of the layered game, it would make the game very interesting. I have decided though that i will get a basic version finished first. Then i will change the gameplay greatly.

I have been testing the board with rotation and it looks good. Here is a latest screenshot after i had played with the camera position.

As you can see the back blocks are accessable now.

Any further suggestions are welcome.

It's a start! =)

Is this gonna be a tech demo? Because if so you can add a 3D skybox (eh, skyplane?) in the background. Use some noise to make clouds or whatever. The bumpmapping sounded interesting. You could also the color scale thing for the numbers, like MS Minesweeper.
[ ThumbView: Adds thumbnail support for DDS, PCX, TGA and 16 other imagetypes for Windows XP Explorer. ] [ Chocolate peanuts: Brazilian recipe for home made chocolate covered peanuts. Pure coding pleasure. ]
BTW these arnt going to be the final textures. Benryves knocked these up for me. Althought they dont look too bad.


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