Is this possible in DirectX? (MSVC linking question)

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2 comments, last by Jimfing 18 years, 11 months ago
Hello - I want to link all the DirectX9 .libs into my engine .lib. The idea being that I can distribute my lib without the users having to have the DirectX SDK since they would be contained in my engine .lib It all works perfectly apart from I get 1000's of linker warnings when building the engine lib, all saying the same:

d3d9.lib(d3d9.dll) : warning LNK4006: _Direct3DCreate9@4 already defined in d3d9.lib(d3d9.dll); second definition ignored
d3d9.lib(d3d9.dll) : warning LNK4006: __imp__Direct3DCreate9@4 already defined in d3d9.lib(d3d9.dll); second definition ignored

Any help would be appreciated.
First, users don't have to install the SDK -- they just install the runtime. Second, they will still need the DLLs, which means they have to install the runtime.
John BoltonLocomotive Games (THQ)Current Project: Destroy All Humans (Wii). IN STORES NOW!
Quote:Original post by JohnBolton
First, users don't have to install the SDK -- they just install the runtime. Second, they will still need the DLLs, which means they have to install the runtime.

I think the OP was refering to "user" as other developers, not the end user of a game.
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Yes sorry - user as in a user of my .lib :)

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