[web] Registering on a site....

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9 comments, last by mellonamin 18 years, 11 months ago
How can I set up a way for users to register on my site? Like giving them a way to login and such and be able to have special priveleges as members...I know it has to do with cookies and such, but I'm not that experienced in web design...
Vita sine Ieso est mors.Enter the Circle--http://www.thecirclemud.9k.com
What is your site capable of using besides HTML? Are you running your own server? how do you want the login to work? can you use PHP/SQL (or some other language)?
I recomend looking into sessions w/ php or maby .htaccess files.
=Loren Tapia=
Well, I don't actually have the site that I want to do this on yet, I am just planning and wondering how I would do such a thing...the hosting I am looking at using has PHP support, MySQL support, etc. but I don't know how to use any of those...I am a VERY noob web developer and only know HTML and a little bit of &#106avascript...I am planning on learning as much as possible though and am using W3Schools to do that...
Vita sine Ieso est mors.Enter the Circle--http://www.thecirclemud.9k.com
If you are looking to just allow access to some pages to only certain users, I would recommend using .htaccess method (easy http://webmonkey.wired.com/webmonkey/html/97/08/index2a.html?tw=backend ). But it sounds more like you want a login screen and actually know who is online. Learning PHP Is easy if you know C/C++ I would recommend just checking out www.php.net once you learn a enough to feel comfortable try looking into sessions http://us4.php.net/manual/en/function.session-start.php and you will be on your way. Once you get sessions down you will want to use MySQL to look up users and passwords. Check out http://webmonkey.wired.com/webmonkey/programming/php/tutorials/tutorial4.html for more info on that. I would highly recommend looking around www.webmonkey.com for other useful information, its great for web development.
=Loren Tapia=
Much thanks...that is exactly what I needed! Points for you!
Vita sine Ieso est mors.Enter the Circle--http://www.thecirclemud.9k.com
Do I need to donwload PHP and Apache and MySQL if I am not going to run this website on my own server but on a host? Or, can I just learn PHP and start using it?
Vita sine Ieso est mors.Enter the Circle--http://www.thecirclemud.9k.com
The tutorial that taught me php, sql and how to use the 2 together.
Quote:Original post by mellonamin
Do I need to donwload PHP and Apache and MySQL if I am not going to run this website on my own server but on a host? Or, can I just learn PHP and start using it?

If you run your own server then you need to install it yourself. Check the relevant docs for whatever OS you are running. If you have a standard hosting package with PHP/MySQL then it's all pre-installed and you can use it straight out-of-the-box.

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Sander Marechal<small>[Lone Wolves][Hearts for GNOME][E-mail][Forum FAQ]</small>

Sorry to ask again, but about your last post: so since my host has PHP/MySQL support, I can just use it right away in my webpages and when I upload that page to my host the host automatically handles all of the "inside" work without me having to download PHP onto my PC? Sorry if I misunderstood...
Vita sine Ieso est mors.Enter the Circle--http://www.thecirclemud.9k.com
Yes, that's right. PHP is a server side scripting language (in contrast to e.g. &#106avascript which is a client side scripting language. That means that whatever PHP script you write must output HTML code on the server. That HTML output will be sent to the client (visitor's browser) and displayed.

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Sander Marechal<small>[Lone Wolves][Hearts for GNOME][E-mail][Forum FAQ]</small>

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