C++ Serialization Woes

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9 comments, last by GameDev.net 18 years, 10 months ago
"One of those is a serialization library. Unfortnately it requires a relatively newer C++ feature called Runtime Type Indentification or RTTI. RTTI code is incompatible with non RTTI code and the stuff I'm writing is a plugin to another program. That program didn't use RTTI so I can't you RTTI in my plugin. So much for using the boost library. Supposedly they have some support for non RTTI but I tried the examples and they would not compile until I turned RTTI on. (Yes, I removed the class that was using RTTI but the compiler still complained that it couldn't include the header files for serialization unless I turned on RTTI). Worse, I tried some simple example with RTTI just to see if it worked and as far as I could tell it didn't actually work. I made a simple structure with a couple of floats, serialized the struct as per the docs and looked at the data, the floats were not in there. Maybe that's an issue with VC++ 2003 although the docs claimed it works with no problems."

I am the author of the Boost Serialization Library. The library includes dozens of tests and numerous examples which all compile and run with VC 7.1 (VC 2003). The library can run in an environment that does not support rtti.

Robert Ramey

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