C++, how do I compare strings? (not c-style)

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13 comments, last by Telastyn 18 years, 10 months ago
Such a simple thing, but after half an hour on google I still can't find it! I just want to test to see if a C++ string object holds (is equal to) a certain phrase. I've tried if ( phrase == "hello" ) { //whatever } where phrase is a C++ string object, but although it compiles it doesn't work. How do I test to see if the string object called 'phrase' holds the word 'hello'? Also how do I check if the first two characters in 'phrase' equal something, eg if they are both slashes: '//' ? For this do I use phrase.find?
Doesn't the string object have a member function for that, such as equal or compare?

Quote:Original post by darenking
where phrase is a C++ string object, but although it compiles it doesn't work.

equality operator is overloaded for std::basic_string so that is why it compiles, are searching for a sub-string in a string?

Quote:Original post by darenking
How do I test to see if the string object called 'phrase' holds the word 'hello'?

Is phrase a sentance where it could contain the sub-string hello? in which case use the family of find member functions defined for basic_string.

Quote:Original post by darenking
Also how do I check if the first two characters in 'phrase' equal something, eg if they are both slashes: '//' ? For this do I use phrase.find?

Yes, that would be searching a sub-string with-in a string, read this for all the different find/replace etc member functions.
Quote:Original post by jumpjumpjump

If you read carefully he is using C++ style strings not C-style strings and wrightly soo.
For the finding, you may want to look at regular expressions. They are wonderful for pattern matching, such as if a string starts with two // or if a # is included anywhere on the line.

You could do this with substring routines and looking at the position according to the length of the string.
Quote:Original post by snk_kid
Is phrase a sentance where it could contain the sub-string hello? in which case use the family of find member functions defined for basic_string.

No, I want to check if the string equals the word 'hello' exactly, hence I thought I could do it with =="hello"

It should be such a simple thing but I can't seem to do it.
OK, I can do it like this:

if ( line.find("hello") == 0 )

This checks to see if the string contains "hello" starting at the start of the string (position 0).

Works just fine, though I do wonder if there's a string method that checks to see if the string is exactly equal to 'hello'. The above would return 0 if the string is 'hello' but it will also return 0 if the string is 'hellogoodbye'.

ah you 100% its not working? As I've got C++ code which does what you want todo perfectly (its in production code and running right now)

std::string key((char*)&data.at(offset));if (key == "hostname"){	server.name.assign((char*)&data.at(offset));	offset += server.name.length() +1;}
string == "value" should work just fine. If this doesn't work, either your implementation of stl is really weird, or you're doing something really weird with your strings.

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