want shininess on terrain

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2 comments, last by skow 18 years, 10 months ago
Is there a way of getting shininess on parts of the terrain drawn using vertex arrays - eg for snow glistening in the sun ? cheers
Sure, just do it the way you do it for an ordinary mesh... or is that what you're asking?

Or are you asking whether you can use shaders on a vertex buffer instead of a mesh?

I'm confuzzled.
the first way which springs to mind is using a specular map for the surface, which is applied with the texture map and allows you to adjust/assign specular values for the surface (you'll need a lighting system which computes the specular component as well)

I'd use shaders for it, I dont think you can do it without, at least not in the way I'm thinking anyways.
I myself have added a specular map to an already bump mapped terrian. While the per-pixel highligts were nice at moments, the resulting preformance hit was more than I wanted.

But if that is the effect you want, it's pretty simple to do in a fragment program.

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