Effortless FOG

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12 comments, last by Halsafar 18 years, 10 months ago
I suppose for fog I have a few choices... VS, PS, FFP I need to get this game I've been working on into development stages. There aint much left to do and I got no brain left to learn. I need easy fog, I know it is exists. 3 questions then, only 1 answerer needed: - a tutorial on using the FFP fog - a listing of how to do the FFP fog - a tutorial provided vertex shader code to generate fog Thanks a bunch, Halsafar

float fogstart=10.0f;float fogend=100.0f;Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_FOGENABLE, true );Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_FOGSTART, *(DWORD*)fogstart );Device->SetRenderState( D3DRS_FOGEND, *(DWORD*)fogend );

edit 2: Beaten to it by matthughson
Here is my function for turning fog on/off:

Function Header:
	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	// Function: "setFog"	//	// Input:	turnOn				Whether you want to turn the fog on or off	//			distanceToFogStart	The distance a vert has to be from the camera before it STARTS to fade	//			distanceToFogEnd	The distance a vert has to be from the camera when it completely disapears	//			r,g,b				The RGB value to use as the ambient light (values from 0 to 255)	// Return:	MPRESULT			Result of the method	//	// Purpose: Sets up distance fog.	//			NOTE: To turn fog off, simply send the function false as its only parameter	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	MPRESULT setFog(bool a_bTurnOn, float a_fDistanceToFogStart = 0, float a_fDistanceToFogEnd = 0, int a_iR = 0, int a_iG = 0, int a_iB = 0);

Function Body:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Function: "setFog"//// Purpose: Sets up distance fog.//			NOTE: To turn fog off, simply send the function false as its only parameter/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MPRESULT CDX_D3DWrapper::setFog(bool a_bTurnOn, float a_fDistanceToFogStart, float a_fDistanceToFogEnd, int a_iR, int a_iG, int a_iB){	// First check if they are just trying to turn fog off	if(!a_bTurnOn)	{		// Disable fog blending.		m_pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, FALSE);		// No need to do anything else		return MPERR_OK;	}	// Enable fog blending.	m_pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, TRUE);	// Set the fog color.	m_pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGCOLOR, D3DCOLOR_XRGB(a_iR, a_iG, a_iB));	// Set the fog mode	m_pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE, D3DFOG_LINEAR);	// Tell direct x where the fog starts and ends	m_pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGSTART, *(DWORD *)(&a_fDistanceToFogStart));	m_pD3DDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGEND,   *(DWORD *)(&a_fDistanceToFogEnd));	// Everything went fine	return MPERR_OK;}

Ignore the MPRESULT and MPERR_* stuff. That's just my engines error message handler.

It's pretty straight forwards, but if you have any questions, let me know!

Matt Hughson
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Yah that was perfect, thanks for the quick reply.

However, after fiddling with the d3d ffp fog effects... I must say it doesn't do a great job. Oh well.
Quote:Original post by Halsafar
However, after fiddling with the d3d ffp fog effects... I must say it doesn't do a great job. Oh well.

It's very basic, "placeholder" fog. If you really want good fog, you can roll your own with a preprocessing step or with shaders (recommended).

Edit: Duh! Just realized you want tutorials and ready stuff, here's something:
Real time rendering of heterogenous fog based on the graphics hardware acceleration - HLSL fog.

Hey wow, thats actually an interesting read.
Unfortuntly that will have to be used in my next game engine...

I've been working on this current engine for near 5 months and its about ready to an actual game to be written for it. I've had to learn SO much that I feel I now need to use what I've learned or it will all be for not.

Again tho, thanks, thats a great article, nice find.
You can do your own custom per-pixel fog using the D3D fixed-function pipeline's texture unit. You enable texture coordinate generation based on the vertex position, then use the Z as a texture coordinate which controls fetches from a 1D ramp texture. You don't have to constrain this to just Z, you can use Y to make the fog hug the ground.

Quote:Original post by don
You can do your own custom per-pixel fog using the D3D fixed-function pipeline's texture unit. You enable texture coordinate generation based on the vertex position, then use the Z as a texture coordinate which controls fetches from a 1D ramp texture. You don't have to constrain this to just Z, you can use Y to make the fog hug the ground.

This sounds really interesting.. would you mind explaining it in slightly more detail? How do you enable texture coordinate generation based on the vertex position? How/where do you set the 1D texture?

It's basically mapping some coordinate from your world to a value within a texture that corresponds to an amount of fog that you want to apply. You can use a texture transformation matrix to convert the camera space Z value where it lies in the (0, 1) range of a texture coordinate system.

The blending can be performed using the COLOROP, D3DTOP_LERP:

COLOR1 = TEXTURE (this is your fog ramp)
COLOR2 = TFACTOR (this is your fog color)

The alpha value is passed through untouched.

Will this easily create the fog I am looking for...
So you cannot see the oncoming terrain spawning in the distance but rather comes into sight as one since the fog was covering it as it came into the farplane...

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