Professional Title Product?

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6 comments, last by HellRiZZer 18 years, 10 months ago
G'day everyone, I've been working quite a while on my Graphical User Interface Editor that complements the OpenGL GUI and it is finally at the stage where you guys can try it out. There are lots of features that resemble professional software titles such as Property Dialogs, ability to add resource/widget by simply specifying the filename, and many more. You can try it out and tell me what you think of it because I'm planning on releasing it in public pretty soon (probably next week) and I'd appreciate if anyone would do some kind of beta testing on it. It hasn't been finished yet and it have flaws, but hey, what software package doesn't have em? You can get it from this link here I really appreciate any help that can be provided, no matter how small, but please be constructive and thoughful. Thank you.
Thanks for testing it skittleo, you're the first one, so you get a free plasma home theatre package... No, I'm kidding... :)
Yes, I'm still working on the menu, right now it is a wholesome code of its own, but I'm planning on deriving it from the droplist control (so that I can use inheritance advantages etc)
Well, since it's a GUI Editor, you can move/resize mostly all the items, but thanks for noticing :)
I'll work on the problem of mouse ASAP when I get home, really appreciated that one!

Have you tried playing around with adding different textures, materials etc?
You can do that and assign them to any widget by going into Resources->Textures, Materials, Fonts or Animations menu and assign them in GUI->Properties->Material/Texture property.

Thanks alot for your support, I'll try to fix it ASAP.
Mind if i ask you how you made that MFC GUI? I'm trying to make a program like that (tabs, MDI) and i can't seem to find a good tutorial. would you please tell me where to find out that, or if you're REALLY Nice, release just the MFC GUI code, without the OpenGL GUI Code???
Leave me your e-mail and I post it to you as soon as I can, Code-R.
Cool? :)

Nah, I'm kidding. I'll send it to you soon. :)

BTW, anyone who tried this program and got into most of its options, do you think it looks like a professional software product?
I haven't done manual and the docs yet, but here's some things you can do with it:

Select multiple items by holding left shift and clicking on them. Then you can:
Use left/right/up/down keys to move selected widgets around.
Hold left control and use same up/down/left/right keys to deflate selected widgets.
Hold left shift to inflate selected widgets.
Use buttons on the toolbar to align selected widgets as you like.
Save/Load any GUI/Control/Texture/Material/Animation/Fonts or their databases from a file in 2 clicks of mouse.
Completely modify any control' look by using it's Properties dialog and changing its appearance (Material, Texture , Texture coordinates), Name, ID and much more.
Create new controls with just a few clicks and assigning them their unique look via Properties dialog or load pre-existing template from an XML file.

Code-R, you can get all the code for such Tabbed MFC program from the Beyond Data
There are lots and lots of other useful formations of MFC, but if you need a tabbed MFC one, look into Tabbed MFC Demo when you download and compile the sources.

Good luck.
I don't know, but there seems to be some buf with the mouse offset not being correctly calculated when moving the menues around (window), as suddenly, my mouse was off about 50px in y-axis.

Quote:Original post by HellRiZZer
Code-R, you can get all the code for such Tabbed MFC program from the Beyond Data
There are lots and lots of other useful formations of MFC, but if you need a tabbed MFC one, look into Tabbed MFC Demo when you download and compile the sources.

Good luck.

Thanks for the link, it's exactly what i've been looking for for weeks.
can you provide me with a guide on how to setup OpenGL Rendering in these windows? googling isn't helping, i can't seem to find anything more recent that vc6 code

Well, the way I've done it like this:
Have HGLRC variable in the CWinApp-derived class
Have HDC variable for the CView derived class
When CWinApp-derived::InitInstance() is called, AFTER ITS LOADED CMainFrame class, have a code something like this:
if(pMainFrame->MDIGetActive() !=NULL)	{		CGUIEditorView *pActiveView = (CGUIEditorView *)pMainFrame->MDIGetActive()->GetActiveView();		if(pActiveView !=NULL)		{			pMainFrame->SetWindowPixelFormat(pActiveView->m_hDC);			pMainFrame->CreateViewGLContext(pActiveView->m_hDC);		}	}

You have to do this in order to get your OpenGL Rendering Context (HGLRC) variable initialized with OpenGL.
After that, in CView-derived class::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT *pStruct), you have a code like this:
m_hDC = this->GetDC()->GetSafeHdc();	HWND hWnd = GetSafeHwnd();	CMainFrame *pMainFrame = (CMainFrame *)AfxGetMainWnd();	pMainFrame->SetWindowPixelFormat(m_hDC);	pMainFrame->CreateViewGLContext(m_hDC);

After this all you have to do is to track when a different view is selected (either via OnTimer function in CMainFrame or some message like OnactivateFrame or something to track which current active frame you got and use wglMakeCurrent(pActiveView->m_hDC, pMainFrame->m_hRC))

That's all.
If you have any more problems, please ask.

Good luck.

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