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13 comments, last by Daniel Miller 18 years, 9 months ago
Btw, the link for the high score table now comes back as invalid....where'd it go?
Quote:Original post by Michalson
On an related note, two observations about the graphics. The first is that the in game text could be a bit more opaque. The second is that at least on higher resolution monitors the particles develop obvious square borders around them:

(All in Wonder Radeon 9800 Pro, click for full lossless version)

The semi transparent hud text is a design statement! The square borders is a problem though - I'll get them sorted.

Quote:Original post by evelyn
Btw, the link for the high score table now comes back as invalid....where'd it go?

I temporarily disabled it while I removed your illegal score :)

If I spent less time administering this I could write some more games ;) My own fault I guess.
Cheers,Paul CunninghamPumpkin Games
Quote:PaulCunningham - I temporarily disabled it while I removed your illegal score :)

How was it illegal?..I admit I was shocked myself :)
Wahey, climbing my way up the table there. Given some time, I'm sure I can challenge the top.

Tidy little game there mate. Certainly got that Space Tripper feel right.
Quote:Original post by Michalson
Do all high scores count?

If you're interested, we've had a number of threads here on GameDev about how to construct a secure online highscore table.

Hahaha, my hero!

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