Clean C# Code

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6 comments, last by mutex 18 years, 9 months ago
Currently I am learning to program in C#. I recently created a Tic Tac Toe game but after reviewing my code, I could see that it was very messy. I was just wondering if anyone could give me a couple of tips on writing cleaner code? What have you guys found successful? Also can someone please give me the standards their company imposes on them. For example, does your company make you use Hungarian notation? Also, can you guys please give me some advice on bad programming habits. your computer needs...
You should post some code for a critique!

I'm not a big fan of Hungarian, and no one at my work uses it. C# and other modern languages have strong typing, so it's unnecessary and sometimes reduces readability.

Read code complete for more pointers, it's a very handy book.
For coding standards for C# a lot of people use the ".NET Framework Design Guidelines", to enforce those you can use "FXCop".

As far as programming habits, there are high level bad design decisions which could be improved by using "Design Patterns", and low level bad programming practices (i.e. not cleaning up your resources, using bad names for variables, bad names for functions, etc) are usually addressed by experience and advice.

If you post your code, or snippets of code areas that concern you then you might be able to get some advice about your design and your programming habits.

Google for any of the quoted terms and you will find more information if you are interested on those specific topics.
Tic Tac Toe Game:
//Program.csusing System;namespace TicTacToe{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            while (true)            {                TicTacToe.Display();                Console.Write("Play Another Round(y/n): ");                char ch = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());                if (Char.ToLower(ch) == 'y')                    continue;                else                    break;            }        }    }}

//TicTacToe.csusing System;namespace TicTacToe{    class TicTacToe    {        //Board Representation        static char[] achPositions = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };        static public void Display()//Basic Board Interface        {            for(int i = 1; i <= 9;i++)            {                Console.WriteLine("     |     |     ");                Console.WriteLine("  {0}  |  {1}  |  {2}  ", achPositions[0],                                  achPositions[1], achPositions[2]);                Console.WriteLine("-----|-----|-----");                Console.WriteLine("     |     |     ");                Console.WriteLine("  {0}  |  {1}  |  {2}  ", achPositions[3],                                  achPositions[4], achPositions[5]);                Console.WriteLine("-----|-----|-----");                Console.WriteLine("     |     |     ");                Console.WriteLine("  {0}  |  {1}  |  {2}  ", achPositions[6],                                  achPositions[7], achPositions[8]);                Console.WriteLine("     |     |     ");                if (Choice(i))                {                    Console.WriteLine("You Win!");                    break;                }            }        }        static bool Choice(int i)//Gets Input From Players        {            int iPositionChoice;            if (i % 2 != 0)            {                try                {                    Console.Write("Player 1: ");                    iPositionChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());                    if (CheckChoice(1, iPositionChoice))                        if (CheckWin())                            return true;                        else                            return false;                    else                        throw new Exception();                }                catch                {                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input.");                    return Choice(i);                }            }            else            {                try                {                    Console.Write("Player 2: ");                    iPositionChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());                    if (CheckChoice(2, iPositionChoice))                        if (CheckWin())                            return true;                        else                            return false;                    else                        throw new Exception();                }                catch                {                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input.");                    return Choice(i);                }            }        }        static bool CheckChoice(int iPlayer,int iChoice)//Checks the input        {//-1 is required to stop indexing out of range            if (Char.IsDigit(achPositions[iChoice - 1]))                {                achPositions[iChoice - 1] = (iPlayer == 1 ? 'X' : 'O');                return true;                }            else                return false;                    }        static bool CheckWin()//Checks to see if player won the game        {            //Rows            if (achPositions[0] == achPositions[1] && achPositions[0] == achPositions[2])                return true;            else if (achPositions[3] == achPositions[4] && achPositions[3] == achPositions[5])                return true;            else if (achPositions[6] == achPositions[7] && achPositions[6] == achPositions[8])                return true;            //Collums            else if (achPositions[0] == achPositions[3] && achPositions[0] == achPositions[6])                return true;            else if (achPositions[1] == achPositions[4] && achPositions[1] == achPositions[7])                return true;            else if (achPositions[2] == achPositions[5] && achPositions[5] == achPositions[8])                return true;            //Diagonal            else if (achPositions[0] == achPositions[4] && achPositions[0]== achPositions[8])                return true;            else if (achPositions[2] == achPositions[4] && achPositions[2]== achPositions[6])                return true;            else                return false;        }            }} your computer needs...
Quote:Original post by sevak
Tic Tac Toe Game:
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It's not bad at all. Of course, there are minor things I would change, but that's just me. Here are a few things worth lookging at, IMHO.

while (true) {  TicTacToe.Display();  Console.Write("Play Another Round(y/n): ");  char ch = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());  if (Char.ToLower(ch) == 'y')    continue;  else    break;}

do {  TicTacToe.Display();  Console.Write("Play Another Round(y/n): ");  char ch = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());} while (Char.ToLower(ch) == 'y');

Makes it cleaner. Also, there are a few places where you could use some further error checking, but all in all, it looks nice to me for a learning experiment.
I teleported home one night; With Ron and Sid and Meg; Ron stole Meggie's heart away; And I got Sydney's leg. <> I'm blogging, emo style
I think its alot neater to use brackets only on their own line and to use them even when they are implied like a oneliner if should look like this:


but that kinda stuff is all personal preferences
Comments is my suggestion.

:D Other than that you are looking good...erm, I meant your code.
You have some code duplication in TicTacToe.Choice. It can be rewritten like this:

static bool Choice(int i)//Gets Input From Players{    if (i % 2 != 0)    {        Console.Write("Player 1: ");    }    else    {        Console.Write("Player 2: ");    }    try    {        int iPositionChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());        if (CheckChoice(i, iPositionChoice))        {            if (CheckWin())                return true;            else                return false;        }        else        {            throw new Exception();        }    }    catch    {        Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input.");        return Choice(i);    }}

You also had an if statement without braces that contained another if statement. I'd add outer braces in such situations to make it clear where that last else belongs.

ldeej mentioned .NET Framework Design Guidelines, which is available here. I highly recommend reading it. Also remember that it's just a set of guidelines; don't freak out over trying to follow all the rules.

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