I need desparate c++ help! (thanks to all the ppl who tried to help me earlier)

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19 comments, last by GameDev.net 18 years, 9 months ago
After some time realising there was no point using a game engine or modding games...I realised that there was one solution....learn c++! I'm learning and zipping through my online tutorial but I occasionally meet some problems....these tutorials don't give very good explanations! I need the basics of object orientation completely re-explained....starting from public, protected and private classes. I forgot....thanks to all the people that tried to help me in my earlier topic!
Give us your age and what games you've been playing recently, as well as your computer specs and any game systems you own.

Then tell us what compiler and tutorial you are working with.
OK then....

I am around 13 years of age....I'm using the intap.net tutorial, I used to use cprogramming.com but its explanations weren't that good as well....I'm using a Pentium 4 Windows XP Professional computer....any more info?

recently edited: I'm using Dev-c++ 4.0 compiler.
Hmm well don't rely on just one tutorial try searching the weab as you've probably heard before google is your buddy! :P
There are plenty of articles on this site as well if you haven't noticed...
OK....I'll try to find more and I'll come back for help if I don't find anything good....
This one is worth a good look, although I haven't used it personally:
C++ Tutorials on programmershelp.co.uk
Quote:Original post by ReneGade RG dev
OK....I'll try to find more and I'll come back for help if I don't find anything good....

Here's something ... and here try and see if those are any help. If you can you should get a book, tutorials always leave out a lot of details not the best way to learn IMO
The best way to learn is using a book, following along as you read by writing code which illustrates what the books says. See if you can check one out from a local library!
h20, member of WFG 0 A.D.
Quote:Original post by Boder
Give us your age and what games you've been playing recently, as well as your computer specs and any game systems you own.

I'm curious as to how this has anything to do with the OP's problem.

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I've tried another tutorial....covered some points I was confused on but made me confused in other bits...what exactly is polymorphism?

What is a virtual method?

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