MFC Combo Box with Tree Control

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1 comment, last by segt 18 years, 9 months ago
Visual Studio doesn't seem to have what I would think would be a very common control, the combo box with a drop down tree for folder browsing. Is this a built in control or am I going to have to make my own? And if I did make my own, how would I go about getting the correct folder icons to display as the user could have their own custom icons.
There's a standard open file dialog you can use, Win32 API GetOpenFileName. I think there's a standard pick directory as well, but it's not as nice. It'll be along the same lines, I think it's part of the IShell stuff though.
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The setup in the open file dialog is exactly what I want, but on my dialog instead. I havn't touched IShell before, and a search for "microsoft ishell" always brings up results of "microsoft is hell".

Looking through some of the controls when I edit my toolbox I see things like DriveListBox and others. These seem to be what I want but I when I add them to the toolbox I cannot add them to the dialog even with ActiveX support on the project. I googled DriveComboBox and came up with some stuff but its for VB, and I'm using C++.

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